Start from the beginning

And that's exactly why he made burying him my bloody responsibility.

Damn him.

My mum and sister go over their plan for a viewing, funeral, burial, and plot.

And I agree to all of it.

We spare no expense where my father is concerned. Sending him off into the afterlife exactly like he lived.

Like a King.

When all the planning is done and I receive the tally of how many pounds this is going to cost me, I send the sum to my mum to handle. And now that I have them here, there's something else we need to discuss.

"Evelyn wants another baby." I tell them.

They smile like I knew they would, clearly on board with the idea. Which makes what I have to say next even harder to say.

"I don't want kids."

Ailene and my mum exchange shocked glances.

"What about your inheritance?" Ailene is the first to find her tongue. "Isn't that why you went through the trouble of marrying her?" With a pleading look, she adds, "Please tell me you're not considering walking away from seven billion dollars, Alex."

Of course not.

"Please... just... hear me out."

Ailene rises from her seat with a look of horror on her face. But my mother remains stoically in place.

"Do not do this." Ailene pleads. "I know you're angry with dad and mum, but this... you'd be a fool to walk away from the fortune grandmother left. Not to mention you'd be damning us all."

"He's not planning to walk away." My mum finally speaks. "He's looking for loopholes."

How the bloody hell does she know that?

"How did you-"

My mum holds up a hand to silence me and smiles proudly at me.

"It's what your dad would've done." She explains.

"What if you don't find a loophole in time?" Ailene sighs.

"Then we don't find a loophole in time," I shrug. "Besides, this new product King Technologies is working on will bring in trillions." I assure them both. "We don't need grandmother's money."

My mum chuckles softly, and says, "I'll be the first to admit your business savvy is rather impressive, but... son, you don't know that for sure."

And okay... she may have a point.

"Yeah... as inspiring as that sounds... you're not the only one who was counting on that money. Or some pretty little annoying shits that look like you running around. Please don't be selfish, Zandy." Ailene pleads.

"You need me to be on board with this funeral, and I need the two of you on board with my decision." I tell them. "Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."

My mum and Ailene exchange frustrated glances before they both finally nod. Lending me their support even though they don't agree with my decision. Which is great because my plan doesn't work without their support. And I'm hoping they'll back me up when it comes to Evelyn.

"Why is it that you don't want children?" My mother asks.

My answer is as selfish as they come and I'm a bit ashamed to share my reasons.