I didn't.

I don't want children.

"I need to order you another pill." I lift her off me. Setting her on the sofa beside me.

The smile quickly vanishes from her face replaced by disappointment. And as much as I would like to make her happy, I can't on this.

"I'm going to go shower." She replies. Vanishing up the stairs.


I call the pharmacy who promptly sends over another pill. Then I bring it upstairs with a bottle of water to hand it to her. Only, she's avoiding me.

Several times I hold them out for her to take, and each time she finds a reason not to.

Please don't do this to me.

I try one last time to hand her the pill, and this time she takes it, but she sets it aside a moment later and busies herself doing something else.

"I need you to take the pill, Evelyn." I tell her. Trying not to lose my patience.

She stops with her back to me. And I know what she's thinking, but now isn't the time for this.

Folding her arms across her chest, she turns around to face me, and there's sadness in her eyes. She wants to have a baby to replace the one we lost, and I get it. But I'm not ready.

"Can't we just-"

"No." I cut her off.

"I just keep thinking about our son," she avoids my gaze. Picking at her nails. "And what it would be like if-"

"Evelyn, please." I sigh. "Please just... take the damn pill."

The look on her face makes me feel like complete shit.

Like the worst person on the planet.

But I'm not backing down from this, and I give her a look that says as much.

Angry, she snatches the pill off the counter, pops it into her mouth, and swallows it down with the bottle of water. Then she opens her mouth for me to see she's swallowed it and slams the bottle of water on the bathroom counter.

"There. You happy now?"


Evelyn storms out of the bathroom upset and into her bedroom where she dresses herself.

"I want to go home." She tells me.

She's just angry, and normally I'd talk her down, but I don't have the time it would take to placate her anger.

"I'll take you home, if that's what you want." I nod. "I just need a couple more days."

"No. Now."

Meeting her gaze, again I start to argue because I know she's just upset. But arguing with her will only upset her further. So, I nod and give in.

"Okay. I'll send you home now."

Against my better judgment and everything inside me telling me not to let her go, I charter my jet and have my pilot take her home.

But I'm not ready to go back yet. I have some business to attend to.

Only, I didn't account for how lonely and restless I would feel without her presence here. I can't even make it through the next day, or the many errands I must run, before charting my jet a second time to follow her back to the states.