Pulling out my phone I text Alexander to tell him I wish to see him, followed by my location. I'm grateful for Sam steering Bishop in my direction, but I know the only reason he did it was to hurt the Kings. And I won't be party to that.

So, I'll make the introduction between Bishop and Alexander that should have happened a long time ago, and whatever happens, happens.

Within fifteen minutes Alexander pulls up in front of my house. But I'm annoyed to see he's carrying a bouquet of pink roses that I know are probably for me.

I didn't invite him here for that.

Like the awesome best friend, she is, Karen greets him at my door and snatches the roses out of his hands. "Awe! Thank you! You really shouldn't have!" Then before he can say anything to the contrary, she hurries past me into the house.

"Alexander!" Elijah exclaims. Happy to see him.

"Ello mate," Alexander fist bumps him. Their fist bump evolving into some elaborate handshake I've never seen Elijah do a day in his life.

But this is somehow their thing.

After Elijah runs off to grab something he wishes to show everyone, Alexander whispers into my ear, "When you said you wished to see me, I did not know we would have company."

Ignoring him, I make the introduction I baited him here for.

"Alexander, this is Bishop Riggs, and Bishop this is the infamous Alexander King."

Th two of them size each other up before Alexander smiles and reaches out to shake his hand. Then they start talking business and I take that as my cue to leave. Heading into the kitchen to make some sandwiches for us to eat.

Karen joins me in the kitchen where she places the roses in a vase with water and plant food that she hopes will keep them alive.

Not likely, if my black thumb has anything to say about it.

On the other hand, they look expensive, so they just might.

When she's done, she helps me make snacks for us all to eat, and we take it into my living room where Bishop and Alexander are already knee-deep in negotiations.

"Thanks love," the latter smiles at me. "I am feeling a bit famished. Budge up and tuck in."

Bishop and Karen shoot him a confused look, and I laugh. "He means scoot closer and dig in."

"Ah." They both nod in unison, scooting in to grab a bite.

While they're busy chatting away about business, my phone rings and I see Sam's name on the caller ID. But rather than answer him, I let him go to voicemail to avoid another night like I had the other night. Only, within twenty minutes I hear his car pull up to the house.

"Shit." I curse. Rising from my seat in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Alexander asks. His conversation with Bishop temporarily forgotten.

"Sam just pulled up."

"Good. Invite him in." Alexander stands to greet him. A pissed off look in his eyes.

"Don't do anything to piss him off, Alex." I warn him. "Please."

The door swings open and just as Sam is about to launch into a tirade, when he spots Alexander standing protectively at my side.

"Alexander." Sam tips his head to him.

"Sam." Alexander tips his head back at him.

Pulling his gaze away from Alexander, Sam sets his sights on me.