Damn it all to hell.

Opening my eyes, I take in the erection I'm sporting. Unsure of what to make of it, or the timing of said erection. The door to the shower opens and Selena invites herself inside. Pleased with what she sees. And I immediately grow flaccid in her presence.

Closing my eyes, I try focusing on Evelyn's image in order to keep my erection. I even go as far as to cup Selena's mouth with my hand to stifle her voice in order to replace it with the sounds Evelyn used to make.

Albeit involuntarily.

But it still doesn't work.

It's like a limp noodle in my hand.

Frustrated, I find myself conflicted about what all of this means. Even as I kiss Selena goodbye. Filling her with the hope that its stress-induced impotence.

My phone rings the moment I enter my waiting car and I instruct my driver to take me to King Technologies.

"Good morning, Mr. King." My assistant, Kelly, greets me through the phone. "You have a full calendar today and your first appointment is waiting for you outside your office."

"Let them know I will be there in ten minutes. Then provide them with refreshments and whatever else will make them comfortable until I arrive." I instruct.

"Yes sir. See you soon."

After hanging up the phone with Kelly, I look out the window to see the hospital where my son died. Every time I pass it, I get this unfamiliar feeling that eventually leads to me thinking about Evelyn and how devastated she was following the loss of our son.

Even though I'd rather not think about her at all.

I did not handle things in the best of ways between us. I ghosted her, as Americans would say. Partially because I was angry with her, and partially because I would've done anything for her. Including taking her back and giving her the opportunity to betray me again.

No woman is worth everything I've built.

Pushing all thoughts of Evelyn, our son, and the tragedy that unfolded to the back of my mind, I check back into reality just as the car comes to a stop in front of my office and Benji greets me on the sidewalk.

He escorts me to my office with the rest of his team, and I greet one of the hottest new software developers, with the brilliance of Elon Musk.

Bishop Riggs.

He's fresh out of high school, he hasn't even started college yet, and he's already made a name for himself.

"Greetings, Bishop. Follow me and let's get started." I open my office door to let him in.

"No need." He offers me an apologetic smile. "I just wanted to tell you face to face that I've already entered into contract with G Technologies. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. And not only is CEO Evelyn Graham stunning, but she was actually on time."

This little wanker is taking a jab at me.

Bishop Riggs and his team head for the elevators and are gone in the timespan it takes for me to process what just happened.

Did Evelynn Graham and her team just steal my golden goose?

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone to text Stuart to meet me in my office. He shows up several minutes later surprised to find my office empty, and asks, "How did it go?"