CHAPTER 10: Charlotte Odair

Start from the beginning

Kane, sits next to my mother, who briefs him on the "strategy".

"Did you bring the new suit we had made for you Kane? Because that's how you stand out. First with your appearance, then you stand out with your attitude," my mother lectures. "We've kept a close alliance with Silver Moon, just to have this advantage."

Kane is only passively listening. Every now and again nodding his head in affirmation or looking at me with a bored expression because he'd heard this speech so many times before and he'd gotten tired of it. Being the new Alpha of the Grey Valley pack must be such a burden, exacerbated by my mother's "hands on" approach but I don't know what's worse, having all her attention or having none of it what so ever.

I think if I had stood my ground and not come, she would not have noticed until asked about it at the Ball. That's even if anyone remembered to ask. When you live in someone's shadow, the light doesn't reach you. I'm kind of hoping he does manage to become mates with the Nash Alpha-to-be. I'd like to see how my mother fares with being the insignificant one in a room. Luna Nash would eat her up.

My mother and brother continue on with their talk about the Ball, with my mother doing the talking and Kane doing the listening. I just sit there and look out the window thinking about how in a moment like this, my dad would ask me about my preparations, and he'd imitate my mother's lecture and it'd make me laugh. I missed him most when I was forced to be alone with my family. He at least paid attention to me and made me feel important, but I was 7 when he was murdered so I all I have is a rough idea of what that feeling must have been like.

When we arrive at Silver Moon, we are chauffeured to where we'll be staying. It's a modern looking guest house. I remember visiting this pack a few years ago and these were still a work in progress. And I also remember the first time I was here it was all just open space. I was sixteen and we, and other neighbouring packs, had been invited to Amari's shifting ceremony. She was 18 at the time and I remember leaving with a bit of a crush on her, but I've had many crushes in my lifetime, so it wasn't anything significant.

When we settle in, my mother and brother leave to go and meet the Alpha and Luna of the pack. Apparently, the Alpha-to-be will be there too, but I don't want to go so I do my best to convince her to let me stay.

"They should meet the Alpha first and his family second," I try. She relents rather easily and heads out without giving me a second thought.

The perks of being neglected.

I try to spend my time peacefully but Venus, my wolf, can't seem to settle. She is pacing up and down and being rather irritable so not long after, I decide to go for a run. I think the journey may have made her uncomfortable. I step outside with a change of clothes, but then I see the boxes on all the trees.

Of course they have those.

I shift and take off into the nearby woods. The feeling of running is exhilarating. Venus takes the lead for a moment, until I find us going somewhere very familiar. She's taking us towards the Nash Estate and I'm surprised at the undertone of vanilla in the air. I have no idea how they manged to do that, but then again, it's not so surprising given who they are.

Venus what gives, we can't just go there!

I just feel like we should.

No ma'am, we don't want my mother seeing us out there after we refused to go in the first place.

I urge her to turn around. She puts up a bit of a fight but eventually gives in. I don't want to cause any trouble while I'm here and I don't want to give my mother a reason to lecture me about some shit.

When I get back, Venus isn't yet settled, but there's nothing I can do at this point since it's almost time to get ready for the Ball. I have to start quite early since I'll be doing everything myself. All the help will be going towards my brother and apparently, I don't really need assistance because I'm not here to make any sort of impression.

When my mother and brother return I flee to my room and decide to call Grace, my best friend, for company while I get sorted. Grace is the only friend I genuinely made at Grey Valley because she was the only one not obsessed with my brother. We were inseparable until about 3 months ago when she found her mate and moved all the way to the Blood Moon Pack.

"I don't know Cici, I just don't feel like finding a mate is worth all this trouble," I say as I start to apply my make up.

"I mean, speaking from experience here, it is 100% worth it Char. I just want this feeling for you so much," she adds.

"We both know that's never gonna happen, mother dearest won't allow it." Grace looks at me with sadness in her eyes for a moment before she nods her understanding. We continue talking and catching up as I get ready. I lose track of time which is exactly something I would do especially on such an auspicious occasion.

Mother dearest will be fuming. As I end the call, I rush out of my room to find the house empty. They left me.

These bitches.

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