She probably thinks I'm sleeping with Selena. Like the rest of the world does. But my courting Selena has more to do with a business deal than it does anything romantic. Not that she hasn't tried a thing or two to get me to engage.

Flustered, Evelyn excuses herself to the bathroom and my eyes trail after her until she disappears. And when I turn to meet Selena's gaze, there's a hint of disappointment there.

I couldn't fuck her even if I wanted to.

When Evelyn returns from the bathroom, she attempts to walk right past me but II stop her. Gently taking her by the wrist and turning her around to face me.

"I should get back to my guests." She flashes me a smile that doesn't meet her eyes. Her gaze flicking back and forth between Selena and I, as she gently pries my hand off her wrist. "It was nice seeing you again."

"Likewise." I reply.

Evelyn disappears like she can't wait to get away from me fast enough. Done with this party, I pull out my phone to text Benji to bring the car around. Then I escort Selena back to her home.

The sun shining through pink curtains awakens me the next morning. Only, I must've had too much to drink last night because my head is throbbing. A glance at my surroundings reveals Selena lying next to me in all her curvy glory, fully clothed thank God, and my cell phone going off nonstop on the nightstand beside me. Feeling around for it, I answer it before it wakes her up and my father's voice jolts me to my senses.

"I don't care where you are or what you're doing. Get your ass back here, now." He demands and hangs up the phone.

What the bloody hell is wrong now?

I'm still clothed, so I'm praying whatever happened between Selena and I never went beyond a few flirty words. Without saying goodbye, I slip out of her bed and text Benji to come pick me up. Thankfully, he's right outside, and he drives me back to my family's home where my father paces the floor while my mother tries to calm him down.

"Whatever you're upset about, can it wait until I get rid of my hangover?" I ask. My bed calling my name.

"No." He glowers at me. "It can't."

"What's wrong? Haven't we recovered our losses already? You should be celebrating, not pacing the floor. Is that even healthy for you in your condition?"

Narrowing his eyes at me, he smiles. "I'm glad you're in a celebratory mood Alexander. Because after today my intuition is telling me you'll have a lot to celebrate."

I don't like the sound of that.

Turning to face him, I ask, "Meaning what exactly?"

"Meaning you'll be a father." His tone leaves no room for argument.


The only person I've slept with recently is Ev... I stop short of completing my thought.

Is Evelyn pregnant?

If so, why didn't she tell me?

With the smile gone from my face, I wait for him to meet my gaze before asking, "Where is she?"


Staring incredulously at them, my gaze shifts between my mum and dad. Wondering when they stumbled upon this bit of news.

"I know the two of you have had your difference lately, but we believe you love her, Zandy." My mum smiles warmly at me. "Before she came along, you bounced back and forth from one meaningless relationship to another. Never truly coming alive until you met her."