CHAPTER 46: Things are going to be more complicated than planned.

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"No, it's not necessary. You are wrong," Tanya replied, refusing to back down, "true strength is not about oppressing others or inflicting pain. It lies in showing compassion, in understanding, and in lifting others up rather than tearing them down. A Queen shouldn't act like you are acting."

Taealha scoffed, seemingly amused by her words. "And how would you know about that? Not that far ago you were living like a savage and you didn't even know what a city or a queen was. Has the luxury you are now living in already made you forget where you come from?"

"That is exactly because I do not forget where I come from that I share those words with you," Tanya replied without looking away from her, "has the luxury you are living in made you forget about your true duties as the Queen of Arthdal?"

Saya felt the tension raising and he turned to Tanya to stop her from provoking Taealha further. "Stop, Tanya," he murmured.

"Be careful, Niruha," Taealha warned as her expression turned icy, and she took a step closer to the High Priestess, "you better watch your words or you might find yourself on my wrong side. You think you are all powerful right now because you have allies by your side?" she asked as she glanced at the young girl beside Tanya who had taken a step closer, a hand on her sword. Taealha smirked, the expression in the young girl's eyes was somehow familiar, she was another savage wolf whom she would tame. She glanced at Yangcha. He had not moved from where he was but the expression in his eyes was dark and threatening. The Yangcha she knew would have never dared to look at her like that. A living weapon. It was all he had been for years. But it seemed to her that the masked warrior was letting his emotions took control over him. He wasn't silently menacing because of Tagon's order to protect Tanya. He was menacing because he actually disliked the way she was talking to Tanya. He was protective because he cared for the High Priestess and it was an interesting thing to witness and something she could play on in the future. "What will happen when they will all go to war?" she asked as she looked at Tanya again, "you'll be all alone so you better keep in mind that I'll crush anyone who dares to challenge me."

"I am not afraid of you," Tanya replied, head-high.

"You should and you will," Taealha threatened with a smile.

"Go," Saya said to Tanya. 

She looked at him before she glanced at Taealha again. She had been determined to do something to help Enoria's people but it was true that she couldn't go too far or else, she would be putting herself in danger and maybe them in more. Her eyes fell on her stomach, well hidden under her cape, but she changed her mind. She couldn't use her pregnancy against her. She couldn't go that low or else she would be just as cruel as Taealha was.

"Go. I'll handle that. Trust me," Saya insisted.

She saw in his eyes that he, too, was determined to do something. Maybe it was his way of making himself forgiven for having caused the deaths of three of Enoria' people or maybe it was a first way to prove that he was sincere in his will to be good. But one thing was sure: there was no manipulation in his eyes, no lies, they shone sincerity. She nodded, looked at Taealha again and bowed. "My apologies, my Queen," she said to soothe the tension, "I went too far. In no way was I trying to challenge you as for I know my place just like I know yours."
Right, she knew her place. The Queen fought for power, she was determined to have everything while she fought for justice and was determined to do everything to make a difference for those who were judged weak.

"Make sure not to forget it then. Now, if you're done meddling in my affairs, I suggest you go back to your duties and stay out of my way."

"Yes. I'll do that," she replied as she bowed again. When she raised her head, Taealha was already climbing the stairs, Saya slightly behind her, while her guards and Hae Tuak, followed even more behind.

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