But I can't.

I'm contractually obligated to him for three years. Whether I want to be with him or not.

There's no way out of this marriage.

With all the fight gone from my body, I walk back into the living room where Jackson is confronted by Alexander. And my heart leaps from my chest.

I can't lose my son.

Palms against his chest, I place myself between them. Worried they'll get into it and Alexander will give him the ammunition he needs to take my son.

"You need to leave." I tell him.

Not because I want him to, but because I need him to. Mary and Jackson are a package deal, and to kick him out, I would have to kick her out too. So, to diffuse this situation, unfortunately, Alexander, my husband, has to go.

"What?" He stares at me like he thinks I've lost my mind.

And I know I'm going to regret this.

His gaze rockets over to Jackson. Narrowing before he brings his gaze back down to mine. "What did he say to you?"

"Nothing." I reply.

Nothing I want to repeat.

And nothing that will change my decision.

"Yet, you're asking me to leave." Something like disbelief spreads across his face.

Lowering my gaze to the floor, I can't bring myself to look him in the eyes. For my son, I need to do this. And yet, the way Alexander is staring at me right now... my resolve is wavering.

"Alexander, please." I sigh. Clenching my eyes shut.

"Answer me." He demands.

I can't.

I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Besides, it would take more than this moment to unpack all the ways Jackson Hewitt has damaged me beyond repair.

Or the way he has me by the balls right now.

Growing more frustrated, Alexander closes the distance between us. His eyes imploring me to tell him why I want him to leave.

My mouth opens to speak, but I still can't manage to spit out the words. Mostly because I'm trying to walk a very thin line that's getting thinner by the second.

My gaze trails to Jackson until Alexander gently grips me by the chin. Forcing me to look at him instead. Softening his gaze, he tells me, "I need you to trust me."

Breathing in deep, I slowly exhale the breath I've been holding. Needing to calm my frazzled nerves so I can think about things logically, and not react out of fear. Only, Jackson would often find what was important to me to use it against me to get what he wants.

This time is no different.

And he's found the perfect button to push.

"Please, just... go." I tell him. "I'll call you."

The look on his face guts me because I don't know how much this will damage what we have between us. Jackson decked him in the face, and instead of backing him up, I'm asking him to leave.

After several moments of tense silence between us, Alexander nods, kisses me on the forehead, and leaves. But not before glaring at Jackson. A promise to make him pay in his eyes. Followed by the implied threat on Benji's face.