Start from the beginning

Hungrier with desire.

His tongue parts my lips and sweeps through my mouth with such fervor that I am left dizzy in his wake.

"Ahem." Gillian clears her throat. Alerting us to her presence and killing the mood. "Alex, your father is asking for you."

He hears her, but he lingers a bit longer. With a look in his eyes that says, 'this isn't over'. As if I've awakened something inside him he wishes to explore in great detail. Then, with a pensive look on his face, he turns and leaves.

What the fuck was that?

"Dr. Graham, Judy has just arrived with your son, but there's a gentleman who refuses to leave his side. He claims he is Elijah's father, and that Elijah went looking for him." She informs me.



Ditching my lab coat, I'm praying Elijah didn't do what I think he did as I follow Gillian into the next room. But as I step inside, my worst fears are realized as Jackson stares angrily at me from where he and Elijah both stand.

"Is this kid your son?" He asks me. The fury in his tone making me worry. "Is what he says true? Is he our son? Because he seems to believe he's my son. He said you told him he was."

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. Elijah may look like me, but he has his father's crystal blue eyes and dark hair. Besides, even though this isn't the way I planned for it to happen, it's been a long time coming. And if Elijah went through the trouble of finding him, then clearly he needs this. I won't deprive him of it any longer.

Exhaling deeply, I motion to an adjoining room and Jackson follows me inside. Closing the door behind us, I face him once more and nod.

"Yes, Jackson... Elijah is yours."

The stunned look on his face is exactly as I imagined it. Only, in my version of events, he also realizes he made a mistake by leaving me for Mary and professes his undying love for me once more.

None of that is happening.

There's a look of confusion and betrayal on his face that makes me look away. But he won't let this go that easily. Instead, he grips me by the chin, and turns my gaze back to his.

"Is this payback for divorcing you and marrying your sister?" He searches my eyes for answers.

"If it were payback, I wouldn't have waited eleven years to tell you about him." I scoff.

I don't know what disappoints me more... the fact that he thinks this way about me, or the fact that what he thinks about me still bothers me.

Surprised by my answer, he rears back.

"You weren't going to tell me about him, were you? So, if he hadn't found me today..."

"I would have told you eventually." I nip that line of thought in the bud.

"When?" He glares at me. "When he graduated from college?"

"Whenever I worked up the courage to come blow up your life and have you look at me the way you're looking at me right now."

"Don't give me that shit, Evie. Does your family know?" He probes to see how far the deceit goes up the family tree.

"No one knows but you, Elijah, and me." I shake my head. "I haven't spoken to anyone in eleven years. And I didn't think Elijah would go and try to find you. So, I'm sorry you found out this way. I-I should've known he would do this. He's curious and strong-willed, and-"