For choosing to be a loser in a family full of winners at all costs.

Once my father died, leaving majority of his money, his businesses, and his estates to me, my status as the black sheep in the family solidified.

I was everyone's favorite punching bag.

And not even handing the businesses, most of the money, and most of the estates back over to my family could remedy that. They continued to ice me out until I took the hint and stopped trying.

"I don't blame you, sweetheart. I just wish you'd stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong."

And this is why I love him so much.

When my father died, it was Professor Rollins who filled his role. Not my equally as diabolical stepfather who appears to be running the family businesses into the ground. Allowing his and my mother's extravagant spending to put the family in the poor house.

"You said you have a new case for me?" I change the subject.

I can only talk about my family for so long before the scab is ripped off old wounds.

"Yes." He flashes me a comforting smile. Handing me the file.

Thumbing through it, I know why he's brought this person to me. He's been diagnosed with a Glioblastoma. Which is a bitch to treat. Even for a skilled surgeon like me. It's an aggressive form of brain cancer that is considered to be incurable. Most doctors opt to control the tumor for as long as they possibly can, rather than try to remove it, because there are two parts to the disease. A solid part and an infiltrating part that co-exists with normal, functioning brain tissue. And it is the infiltrating parts of the disease that makes it a bitch. There is no safe way to remove the infiltrating parts while keeping the brain intact. But it is not completely hopeless, which brings said patient to Professor Rollins, and him to me.

In addition to my surgical attributes, Professor Rollins and I are working on a form of immunotherapy that will shrink and eventually kill the infiltrating parts of the disease. Thereby extending the lives of our patients.

Perhaps even saving them.

It's completely experimental, though. And nowhere near being approved as a form of treatment.

As I'm reading the notes on the case, I happen to glance at the name of the patient and freeze. Raising my gaze to meet the professor's.

"Abraham King? Is this who I think it is?" I ask.

"Yes, but-"

"Absolutely not." I shut him down. Handing him back the file.

No amount of money in the world could convince me to take another King on as a patient. I've had my fill with the King family, and they can thank Alexander for that.

When he awoke in the recovery room, he did nothing but complain. Calling me at all hours of the night for every twitch, ache, and pain. As if his wealth somehow exempted him from normal human healing.

"Please reconsider, Evelyn." Professor Rollins pleads. "Abraham is not like his son. And he doesn't have much time. Every day his condition worsens."

"Then you should operate on him. You may have a bum leg, but your hands work just fine."

"I would, but I'm afraid I'm too emotionally attached to the case. Whereas you are not. Please Evie... Abraham and I have been best friends since grade school. In fact, it was he who gave me the loan to open up my practice."