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After losing everything I've ever cared about, I had two choices... I could live and figure out a way to turn things around... or I could have an endless pity party and die, never having achieved a damn thing.

Not the type to wallow in self-pity for long, I chose to live.

And I'm damn glad I did.

After my first marriage ended, I told myself I would never depend on a man again. I went back to school, threw myself into my studies, I got my MBA in business and finance, and graduated from medical school at the top of my class.

That's where I met Professor Rollins. A man who's changed my life in so many ways I never thought possible. He took me under his wing and taught me everything he knows. He believed in me when no one else did. And he never let me quit on myself.

"I have a new case for you." Professor Rollins places a folder on my desk. His limp more pronounced than it had been the day prior.

Picking up the folder, I shuffle through its contents.

"He's young." I hand him back the folder.

"He is. His name is Alexander King and his father's pockets are deep. He will spare no expense where his son is concerned. And he also happens to be one of my closest friends. Hence the reason for discretion."

"What's his prognosis?"

"Gangliocytoma. It's in a tricky place." He hands me an x-ray to examine. "He'll need a steady hand and someone with your skill if he's going to have any chance of a normal life afterward. I need you on my team, Evelyn."

Sighing, I give in. I can never say no to Professor Rollins, anyway. The man has been like a father to me. Especially since my own father passed away.

"Fine. When is the surgery?"

"An hour." He grimaces.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I tell him. "You owe me."

"More than I can ever repay you, I'm afraid."

Shaking my head, I go over Alexander Kings' file. Familiarizing myself with the tumor in his brain and its location. One wrong move and he'll be a vegetable. And I have only an hour to prepare for his surgery.

No pressure.

"When can I examine him?" I ask.

"He's already in the exam room." He offers me an apologetic smile.

Of course he is.

"Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, eh."

"Only if you wanted to be a snake about it."

His mouth drops open in mock offense and I laugh. Professor Rollins knows I'm trying to keep a low profile. Because with a family like mine, who needs enemies. To find an enemy, one only needs to pick a room in my house, growing up, and mindlessly throw a dart.

Trust me.

You can't miss.

Between my parents who married for comfort rather than love. To my overachieving big brother Malcolm. My 'I married into money so I can spend my life looking down on people' sister Mary. And my 'I like to brag about my Harvard education to anyone who's willing to listen' sister Eden. The only person I was ever actually close to was my brother Christian. But when my mother turned her back on me, so did everyone else.