Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Elise's POV

"Michael, you can't just stop the tour at your room," I whined. We had gotten up the stairs and he immediately led me to his room. "Besides, I've already seen it."

"But you really won't need to know what any of the other rooms are for." I frowned.

"I have already told you, I am not staying in your room!" I stomped over to his door trying to a dramatic exit, as I reached the door his hand slammed it shut. I was pinned up against his door. His eyes were black as he looked at me. It was dark out now but Michael hadn't turned on his light. There was just a dim light coming in through the window. Michael pressed against me and I could feel his hot breath on my ear.

"You are mine, you are my mate. You will stay in the same room as me." He breathed in my ear. I felt chills run throughout my body as he spoke. Michael touched his fingers to my face, I'm not gonna lie but I'm really scared. As he touched my face I lightly pushed him away. Michael shook his head and jumped back from me. He turned on a light on the other side of the room. I didn't move from the door, he looked at me and his eyes were blue again. "Babe, I am so sorry. I couldn't control him, I'll take you to your room now. If you want me to." I nod

"Was that your wolf?" I had been told about how hard it is to control a person's inner wolf. Michael said that being an Alpha he at times would have more control but could easily become angy and possessive.

"Yeah." He walked to where I was at the door and put his arms around my waist pulling me to him. "We wouldn't have hurt you. He was just frustrated."


"He wants you to be close at all times. We want you to be close at all times."


"Trust me babe, it's taking all my self control not to mark you."

"Why don't you just mark me?" I don't know why I said it, I know I'm not ready to be marked yet.

"I don't think you're ready. I would have to finish the mating process otherwise you would go through severe pain and I want it to be special for us."

"Aww, you are so thoughtful!" I wrap my arms around his neck and lightly peck his lips. "Now show me my room." He swooped me up bridal style and carried me to a room on the other side of the house. We had passed quite a few room on the way.

"I don't think I could hold back if I knew you were only a room away from me." He kissed my head lightly before kicking the door open. I looked around wide-eyed. The room was amazing. It had light blue, almost white, walls with a big bed in the middle. Outside one of the windows was a balcony and in a coner there was a desk. It looked like someone had taken a lot of time to decorate it.

"Wow." I said as my mouth gaped.

"I'm glad you like it." I was still in his arms so I began to squirm hoping he'd catch on. He only gripped me tighter and walked me over to the big bed, Michael lightly set me down but still didn't let me go. He kissed my neck and I tried to pull away.

"Michael," I groaned. I could feel him smirk against my skin, he pulled away and brought his lips to mine. It dawned upon me seconds later that we were kissing on a bed. "Michael," I attempted pulling away.

"I like it when you say my name," his voice was husky and oh so sexy. He went it to kiss me again but I rolled out of his grip. He stood straight up and looked at me.

"I'm tired." I lied. Truth be told, I'm wide awake.

"Okay, I'll let you sleep." He walked to my door and I swear I heard him mumble 'tonight'. I laid in the bed and starred at the ceiling. Closing my eyes I realized just how long of a night it's going to be.


Michael's POV

I walked downstairs to the kitchen in search of food around 3AM. I had fallen into a restless sleep awhile after I left Elise. I had just woken up drenched in sweat. I heard movement upstairs with my werewolf hearing. Staying still I listened, "OW! Shite!" Elise. I heard a clang and a mutter of some choice words. I heard her footsteps on the stairs. "Dumb table." she muttered as she walked into the kitchen. She walked right past me, not even noticing me and walked out of the kitchen.

I followed her. She walked to the porch and went for the door. "Elise what are you doing?" She didn't reply so I grabbed her shoulders. I turned her to me and she collapsed in my arms. She's sleep walking. I picked her up and carried her back upstairs. I took her to her room and laid her down on the bed and began to walk out of the room. She suddenly woke up and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't go. Please." Confused but a little relieved I climb into bed with her. She snuggles close to me as I wrap my arm around her waist.

"I'll never leave babe. Never."

"Good, I don't want to lose anyone else." I heard her breath even out and started to ponder what she said. I realized that working at the hospital you see people die almost everyday, I didn't usually get too emotional over it, I had known that when I took the job. Elise is different though, she really knows everything about her patients, their life, their favorite things, everything. Sometimes I think that she knows the kids better than the parents do. It had to be hard for her when a kid didn't make it. But honestly I wasn't sure that's what she meant though.

As my thoughts wandered I found myself falling asleep. I pulled Elise a little closer to me and finally closed my eyes.


AN: Y'all got lucky! I got home a little earlier than I thought I would tonight so I decided to update! I had dance team night tonight... It was pretty cool but I'm so tired, and I need a shower, little kids had a serious case of smelly feet :~( Anywho, the picture to the right is a of Elise's room. Hope you like this chapter, keep reading! VOTE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE ~Claire Davis

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