Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Elise's POV

I walked quickly to the forest by Michael's house. I was stressed, I felt tears sting my eyes as I remembered.

I was 15, like every fifteen year old I had a crush on the school jock. My dad was friends with his which caused us to be friends. I remember he use to flirt with me, he was so sweet.

About a month before prom he asked me to go with him and I eagerly agreed. I had picked out a light green dress with sparkles.

That night he had picked me up and taken me to the hotel that our prom would be held at. We walked in to loud music and a crowded space. I had fun that night. It was around midnight we decided to leave. Jack went to grab me a drink while I waited by the door. I had told him I didn't need one but he insisted.

He came pack grinning from ear to ear. I thought it was simply because he was happy to see me. How wrong can a person be? He passed me the drink that had already been opened.

Just to satisfy him I took a sip. The drink tasted different, odd.

We both got into his truck as he drove fast down the road. I vaguely recall telling him to slow down.

I ran faster through the forest as the tears fell down my face blurring my vision. I started to stumble over branches.

Jack pulled into a lot in the middle of nowhere. I had drunk all of my drink and my vision was blurred. Jack got out of the car, walked to my side, and pulled me out. He suck his hand through the slit of my dress. He whispered in my ear "I want you now."

"Jack no, please no."

"Shut you whore." He spat at me. I cried. "Stop you are gonna enjoy this." He slapped my face.

I fell down as I tripped over a large tree trunk. My face was hot from the tears. I had been drugged that night by someone I thought had liked me. He had proceeded to rape me that night.

The worst part is, my mom blamed me for what had happened. My dad had taken my side and in the end my parents had divorced. I didn't visit my mom often, I didn't like her to be honest. She went off the rail when my dad divorced her. She moved to LA, dated several men, and went and blew her money. I didn't like it.

When I had moved to New York it wasnt because my dream job was here, it wasnt because I had always wanted to live here. It was simply because I wanted a new start, I didn't want anyone to know what had happened to me. I didn't trust people as easily.

I sat up and whipped my tears away. I looked around realizing I am completely lost. Great, just great.


AN. So there ya go! I have one question and I will NOT update until at least three people answer. (Alayna you might not count) do y'all think I should write a restricted chapter for jack? I'm not sure but yeah I can if it's wanted. Nevermind, Alayna you count. Im sorry if this chapter was confusing, its a mix between the present time and what she remembers from that night. thank for reading, sorry for spelling and grammar errors, Im on my ipod again. ill fix it later. VOTE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE xoxo ~Claire Davis

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