Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Elise's POV

I woke up wrapped in warmth. I snuggled closer to Michael. "Morning." He grumbled a little but proped himself up on his arm and looked down at me. I smiled and turned over so that my head was in his chest. I could get use to this, I don't even care that we aren't dating! "What time do you work today?" I didn't work today, today was a real day off. No sick day, I was scheduled off.

"I don't. What about you?"

"Nine tonight."

"I'm coming with you then. I work tomorrow morning anyway. I wanna check on some kids."

"Elise..." I cut him off

"Michael, I've missed two days. I need to see them." He growled deep in his throat and grabbed my waist. He flipped up so I was straddling his waist and didn't remove his hands.

"Why do you have to care for them so much? I mean it's amazing, hot, and I love it but I wish you could relax." I frowned. I know I'm not exactly the calmest, most chill person but it's not like I'm a workaholic. "No, don't frown. That doesn't fit your face."

"What does then?" WHY DID I SAY THAT!

"Two things. A smile and my lips." I felt the blood rush to my face. Michael moved his hands to my back and began to pull me down. I laid my legs down so I could get comfortable. Michael wrapped his arms around me and intertwined our legs. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his hear beat as he played with my hair. This is a perfect moment. "Elise?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?" I grinned.

"Yes! I would love to be!"

Michael's POV

I smiled. We are officially dating! Elise and I stayed in our position until I couldn't stand it anymore. I pulled her closer to my face and kissed her. The kiss was hot and heavy from the second it started. I immediately stuck my tongue into Elise's mouth and started to explore it. Elise closed her mouth and sucked on my tongue. I moaned deep in my throat. I pulled away just long enough to flip us over.

I began to trail light kisses down her neck, I stopped and made a hickey at the spot I would mark her. I forced myself not to bite her. Elise tugged at my hair, trying to pull me back up to her face. I simply went lower. I put my hand under her shirt and moved it up. Elise gasped but didn't stop me. I could smell her arousal, it was driving me insane. I was definitely turned on. "Michael..." She moaned as I sucked on her neck again. I came up to her face kissing her hard. She kissed me back and fought me for dominance of the kiss, which of coarse I won.

We pulled away for air and I steadied myself so that I didn't have to much of my weight on her but so I still had some on her. "I should ask you to be my girlfriend more often."

--------------------------=----------------------------=------------------------------=------------------------------=-------------- AN.... Yeah I'm sorry that this chapter is soooooooo short. I promised I would update and I did! I will update again tho, just not tonight... It's midnight and I can barley type. My computer was being stupid and deleted what I had for this chapter already so I had to rewrite it! I will add what was meant to be in it to the next chapter. OH! I was just going to tell you all that I will have a restricted chapter if anyone wants to read that. I know that some people don't want to read about the sex but that's kind of forced into a werewolf book. I figured that I will just make a restricted chapter so that y'all don't just skip... It is NOT for this chapter. It is for later ones, I just wanted to tell all of you that is what will happen. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable! Anywho.... this is totally off subject... I don't have facebook and I don't always get notified if someone comments, if any of you have twitter feel free to follow me, I will always tweet you back! 3rdDavis VOTE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE! ~Claire Davis

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