Chapter 7: Lunch and the Rest of the 20 year old story

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When I awoke the next time, I once again found I could not see. "Damn, why did they have to put these god-awful gauze patches back on me?!" And without realizing it, I said it out loud.

What actually woke me was the voices of a few boys nearby talking. This was strange to me as I thought the only other boy that was in the room with me was the little boy in the bed next to me. I wasn't sure if he had company or what was going on. It just only made me more frustrated because I couldn't see anything with these gauze patches over my eyes. My thoughts were quickly interrupted as I heard Dad respond back to what I had said out loud.

"Davey, do I have to start washing your mouth out with soap? You know I don't like you swearing like that!" Dad threatened me.

"I am sorry Daddy; I won't do it again." I said apologetically, as if I were some little kid in fear of being punished for wetting his pants; which in my case was closer to the truth, just without the punishment from Dad.

"That is okay Davey, please just don't do it again. I would really hate myself if I had to punish you."

Trying to change the subject of being punished I went ahead and asked if I could have the patches removed. Actually, begged would be a better word for what I was doing.

"Daddy, can I pretty please get the patches taken off yet?"

"Don't worry Davey; the doctor will be here in a few minutes to see if your eyes are good enough to remove the patches."

"Daddy please, I really want to be able to see right now." I pleaded once again. "I can hear other boys voices and I was wondering where they are coming from?" I asked.

"Don't worry about the patches right now, I think you will be getting them off real soon. As for the voices, they are coming from the other boys that are also in this ward. You are in the Childrens ward where the boys are kept and right now." Then as if to change the subject, he asked, "In the meantime do you want me to feed you your breakfast?"

Upset that I would have to wait to be able to see still, but not wanting to upset my dad any further by pushing it any further, I decided to just accept for now, that I would have to wait. I found myself hungry after all and so that helped in my decision to forgo worrying about my eyes for the time being. Still, why couldn't I feed myself?

"Yes Daddy, I am hungry. But can I feed my own self?"

As I moved my butt a little, that question quickly went to the wayside as I noticed something else.


"Yes Davey"

"I... I um..." I tried to tell Dad what I wanted to, but I felt so embarrassed at that moment to say it. Especially now that I knew there were other boys in the room besides the little boy that was next to me.

Dad must have clued in what I really needed. "Davey do you need your diaper changed?"

"Yes, Daddy, real badly." I told him with much relief.

"Did you leak?" Dad asked me.

At first, I shook my head no but after a quick inventory of my bedding and the area around my diaper, which was hidden under my blankets, I knew I had leaked after all. The sad thing about it, I was sure that it hadn't been pee that leaked out of my diaper. I was grossed out with the liquidly mess that I felt inside my diaper and now on my bed. I couldn't help wondering why Dad hadn't smelled it, that is until I learned from him later, that Jason, my bed neighbor, had pooped himself and he hadn't yet been cleaned up. This meant that our room was filled with the smell of stinky poop and Dad had no idea that he was also smelling it from me too. Now I never interacted with my Jason, so I didn't know that he was only 5 years old. While waiting for the nurse to change me, Dad told me about Jason and the fact that he had Cancer and had been in the hospital now for several weeks. I felt so bad for him, especially when dad told me he was only five years old.

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