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Two Years Later

George, c'mon!" Dream yelled, running up a hill a little distance from the castle, George in hand.

George was panting, not able to keep up with his way more fit boyfriend. "Dream slow down, not all of us have had years of guard training!" He gasped, as Dream finally started to slow his pace.

George looked around the forest bathed in moonlight. He still had absolutely no idea where they were going. Dream said something about a date, and here they were in the middle of the woods at close to midnight.

Dream slowed to a stop as they reached the top of the hill, sneaking a proud look over to George, who was now taking in their surroundings.

It was, for lack of better words, magical.

The first thing he noticed was the soft lanterns surrounding the top of the hill, beautifully illuminating the area. Which, was covered in all sorts of different flowers, blue and gold sprouting out of every corner. Well, George knew they weren't all blue and yellow, but it looked breathtaking all the same.

But in the middle of the field was a small blanket, embroidered with small hearts all around the edge. There were a few plates on it as well, a fruit bowl, some sort of cookies, and a small pitcher of herbal tea. There was a vase of flowers in the center, full of flowers he knew were blue and yellow.

But oh, the sky! They were away from all the light pollution the capital city drew, and the stars were the most visible he's ever seen them. It made his heart flutter, thinking about all the effort Dream must have gone through.

Dream looked over at his smile. "Heh, you like it? While I was shopping for the flowers, I found someone with your same color blindness, and so I asked him to arrange it so it would look good for you. In my eyes, it looks like a complete mess, so I'm hoping it looks right for you." Dream explained with a laugh.

George looked over the sea of flowers. He thought it was weird, he'd never seen flowers arranged this perfectly. Because normally this looks really odd. He smiled softly.

"It looks perfect... I've never seen anything like it." George said faintly, his cheeks starting to blossom pink.

Dream smiled, and led him over to the blanket. They talked for a while, finding comfort in each other's company.

After maybe an hour, a spark of light caught Dream's eye. He smiled, and got up before George could even process what was going on.

He ran over to all the lanterns, blowing them out one by one.

George was completely confused. "Dream what are you doing?" He asked starting to get up as well.

Dream blew out the last one, and went back over to sit back down with him. "Just wait. Trust me." He said, a twinkle in his eye.

George listened, and sat back down with Dream, leaning his head on his shoulder.

And that's when he saw it.

The sky lit up, as the stars he'd been so fondly watching started glistening, and falling across the black sky. He looked up in awe.

"A- A meteor shower..?" George asked awestruck. Dream chuckled lightly, and wrapped his arm around George's shoulder.

"That's correct. I heard word that one was going to happen tonight, and I thought this would be perfect, your love for stargazing and all." He said, the light from the meteors illuminating his blush dusting his cheeks.

"They're beautiful..." George whispered.

Dream took his eyes out of the sky for one second, and looked over to George. His face softened. "Ya... they are."

They sat in silence for the duration of the shower. Watched as the sky erupted in streams of light, watching a world that they were not a part of. So far away, so ethereal, but so completely present in this moment.

As the last streak vanished from the sky, Dream reached over for one of the lanterns. He lit it back up, and felt for something in his back pocket. He found it, and he smiled.

He took George's hand in his other, and stood them both up. George tilted his head, a smile playing over his curious face.

He let go of him, and backed up. George tried to follow, but Dream stopped him. "Dream, everything okay?" He asked, concern washing over his face.

Dream nodded, his hand fiddling with the small box he was holding, but making sure it was out of George's sight. He took one last deep breath.

"George. I just wanted- After all this-" Dream stopped himself. This was going nowhere quick.

He looked back to George. He was so perfect, everything. He had to at least get this right. Just to start to make up for everything he's done for him.

"It's just, I wanted to express my gratitude to you. These past few years have no doubt been the best years of my life. Getting to spend life's high and lows with you by my side, and everything in between, I just wanted to thank you."

George's smile returned. "Dream, you don't have to-"

Dream put his hand up. "Nope! No talking until I'm done, or else I might just combust on the spot." Dream half-yelled, trying to keep his composer. George laughed, but let him continue, his hands folding together.

"I- well recently, I've been thinking about the future. I mean, we've been together for so long, and I haven't been able to think of any time I wouldn't be by your side for the rest of my life."

It started dawning on George. "Dream, are you-"

Dream smiled. "George, you know that from the beginning, the idea of having to become king terrified me. Heck, it still does. But if that is something I have to do, for you, for your kingdom, I would take up that responsibility in a heartbeat."

Tears were streaming down both of their faces, as Dream stepped forward. He opened his hand, taking out a velvety red box.

George put his hands over his face, smiling like a little kid.

Dream knelt down, just like a guard to his king, but so much more now. A opened the box, revealing a ring with a golden band, with diamonds and blue topaz shimmering overtop it.

"King George Davison, Ruler of the Kingdom of Evenere, will you marry me?"

George lept into Dream, knocking them both over. They both started laughing. "Yes! Yes, you complete idiot, yes I will." George said, laying on top of Dream.

Dream continued laughing. "Y'know you're supposed to take the ring before you pounce on me, right?" He said, lifting up the ring case.

George continued laughing. "Oh, whoops. I guess I forgot. "He reached out for the ring, and put it on. It felt right. He then leaned over a kissed Dream.

It was perfect. It was all too perfect. George was here, and he got to spend the rest of his life with him. This was the start of a new life. And no matter what, no matter what happened...

They would get to spend it together.


And that's it folks! Eventually, I will be posting my next story on AO3, but I need to finish it first which might take a year lol (It's not DSMP tho, I'm now in the Hermitcraft Fandom)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed even if just a little, remember to stay healthy and hydrated :D

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