Chapter 27

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George tried, he really did, to not follow him. But not even an hour later, he had made up his mind. He wanted to be there, even if it was at a distance. But he'd have to get past Niki first.

"...George, you need to stay safe. Dream can protect himself, you can't. We need to stay here until they all come back." Niki said, trying to reason with the king.

George got up, and went close to the door. "But I want to be there! And if something does happen, I want to be at his side." Niki sighed. There was no reasoning with him. If she didn't let him, he'd just sneak out himself.

"George, Dream said he wanted you to stay here. Shouldn't you listen to him?" Puffy said, trying to help Niki out.

"But, I want to be with him..." They both shook their heads. There really wasn't any stopping him.

"Ok fine, go I guess. But Dream isn't going to be too happy when he sees you. Nor is anyone for that matter. But I can't stop you from what you want to do." Niki said, finally giving in.

George smiled. "You want to come with me?"

Niki and Puffy shared a glance. Then Niki replied. "No, I made a promise to come back alive to someone. And I intend to keep that."

George nodded. "If for some reason, me and Dream don't come back, have Sapnap choose the next king." George said as he walked out.

He ran to the stables. If he was going to catch up, he'd need a horse. Thankfully, he learned how to ride one as a part of his king training. And the castle had a few. He saddled one up, and took off towards the east border.

There were a few hiccups, since he hadn't ridden a horse for a few years, but he made it there in just over thirty minutes. There was a stable at the wall, so he put his horse in there and headed outside it.

As he arrived, he took in his surroundings. Evenere's base was at the top of a hill, so you could see the entire battlefield from it. There were two tents, a medical one, and a battle planning one. It was right in front of the kingdom walls, so there were archers on the towers, shooting down some Pikoro soldiers.

Sapnap came out of the planning tent, talking to a guard. He looked over and saw George. He stopped mid-sentence, running over to George.

"George?! What in the world are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in the castle staying safe!" He looked around. "You know what, it's not safe right here. In the tent now." Sapnap dragged him in the tent, and sat him down at one of the tables.

"George, you do realize how stupid it is to be here? If anyone from Pikoro realizes you're here, they will raid our base with full force and kill all of us."

George wasn't looking at him. Of course he knew that, but still...

Sapnap picked up on his silence. He sighed. "Dream just left to go fight King James. If you were a few seconds earlier, you might have caught him."

George looked up in surprise. Then he chuckled a little. Sapnap knew him far too well.

As if he could read his mind, Sapnap shook his head and laughed. "I know why you're here. And if we go to a certain spot on the wall, you can watch him fight if you want." George nodded, and Sapnap got up. He asked a few people in the tent to come with them, and they headed on top of the wall.

"Ok George," Sapnap started as they went up the tower, "you need to stay as hidden as possible. Make sure you're out of sight. If anyone notices you from the battlefield, I will take you back to the castle myself. Also, stay with these three. I don't want you by yourself."

George nodded, he had no plan to do something that could hurt the army's chances or get sent home. "Of course, right. I'll stay hidden."

Sapnap gave him a quick smile, then left back to the tent. George peered over the wall, and looked for Dream. He figured it would be easy to find, with his green outfit and white mask. But he didn't see anything at first.

Royal ReputationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora