Chapter 11

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The army was sent out yesterday. They could be here any hour now.

Dream paced the hallways while he waited for George to get up. He needed to get George into a safe location, and get somewhere to protect anyone in the castle.

After what felt like years, but was actually less than an hour, George finally emerged from his room. As he opened the door, Dream took in the restless, shriveled king in front of him.

His hair was messy and tangled, but slightly hidden underneath his crooked crown. His clothes weren't practically messy, but he didn't give it any particular care, they were just resting on his body, which Dream had never known George to not care about. But the part of him that caught his attention was his facial expression, particularly the hidden emotion in his eyes. It was the bitter worry that had been festering all month, but at an all time high with the mix of his restlessness and sorrow.

George went straight up to him, and laid his head on Dream's shoulders.

Dream felt his eyes tear up, and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Everything is going to be okay. I promise." Dream whispered, not trusting his own voice not to break. He soothingly rubbed circles into the king's back, trying his best to comfort him.

George didn't even respond, or even tear up. He was just so.. done.

Dream let him go, and led him to the dining room. As much as both of them did not have an appetite, they needed energy to get through the day.

They finished eating their food quickly, and went outside of the dining room. George with half of his meal he didn't eat in a container for later.

Dream looked over at George and spoke up. "Well George, this is goodbye for now. I'm going to patrol right outside the throne room, and take out anyone who dares to enter uninvited. I'm hoping any threat will at least pass by the throne room, as it's in the middle of the castle.

You go and stay safe."

George's eyes finally started watering. He took a quivering breath before responding. "Y-you too. Please... please stay safe." Dream smiled, and gave the king another hug.

"I'll come to you around midnight if nothing happens. I'll stay the night with you... okay?" Dream said, still hugging him.

"Mhm, okay." George responded, not even letting go.

Dream let him go and went off towards the throne room.

Nothing happened all day. He heard the clock chime midnight, and reluctantly started heading towards the safe. He wanted to keep watch all night, but in order to keep everyone safe, he needed his rest.

Dream woke up at who knows when the next day, in the bed beside George's. He wasn't asleep when he got in last night, so he was glad to hear him snoring softly. He got a piece of fruit from the fridge in the room, wrote a note to George so he wouldn't be worried when he woke up without him there, and headed back out.

The day continued as yesterday went, nothing really happened.

Until three pm hit.

Alone, and very quietly, someone tried sneaking past him, even though the man was completely unaware of Dream.

Dream darted behind a pillar, and studied the man. Almost instantly, he recognized him as the head guard from Pikoro's throne room.

Dream had the advantage if he acted before he was spotted. Killing him, might be just the shake up they needed to bring down the army's spirits and cause them to forfeit the takeover.

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