Chapter 28

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George woke up to an empty bed. He didn't think he'd ever get used to Dream not being there when he awoke.

He knew he should get up, but he couldn't stop just silencing his alarm. He had been sleeping just awful, only getting just about two hours of sleep the few nights after the battle. It made sense, he couldn't sleep normally without Dream, but it didn't help that he was worried about something.

He grumbled a little as his alarm went off for the fifth time, and finally got up. Sapnap was there to greet him at his door. While Dream was healing, Sapnap was taking his place as his personal guard. Besides, that's what they did when his old one got imprisoned.

Sapnap stood there awkwardly. "Want breakfast?" Sapnap said after a moment.

George thought about it. The last few times he got breakfast, he really didn't eat it. So what even was the point? "Nah, I'm not really hungry." George said.

Sapnap nodded. "Okay, well I'll follow you." Sapnap gave him what he hoped was an encouraging smile. After a second, George returned it. He didn't want to be mad at him.

He started heading towards Dream's room. He found it easier to do his work when he was with Dream. Well, it solved one of his problems. When he was in his throne room, he couldn't focus on his work because he was worried about Dream. But here, every once in a while he'd look up at Dream, seeing if there was any change. There shouldn't be though, it had only been a few days. And besides, he shouldn't be that worried, the doctor said he was making a wonderful recovery so far. But he couldn't help it, he was still worried, and anxious for any sign.

He was just starting to do his work when someone knocked on the door. It was Sam. "Good morning your majesty, I have a message." George looked up at him. This couldn't be good.

Sam continued, seemingly a little hesitant. "The... Collins, are asking for you. I think they heard about what happened."

George looked over at Dream. Did he want to talk to Dream's parents about this? Would that make him feel better? Does his parents even care? He had far more questions than answers. So he decided to go.

"Ya, sure, I'll go. Lead the way." Sam nodded, and they both left for the dungeon.

When they got there, Sam stopped in front of the door. "Want me to go in with you, or do you want to go in alone?"

George pondered this. Whenever he went to see the Collins, he wanted to be with Dream, but obviously that wasn't an option. "I'll go in alone."

Sam nodded, and George went in. As soon as he did, Dream's parents looked up at him.

Sydney anxiously waited to see if he was coming to see them. When George stopped in front of their cell, she instantly went up to the cell bars. Her voice was quivering.

"Y-your majesty... I-is it true...? Is Clay really... in the hospital...?"

George started tearing up. He kept his face as hard as stone though. No use showing these people any emotion. But they were his parents, so they deserved to know about their son.

"Ya... Ya he is. The king of Pikoro stabbed him in the chest. The doctor said he is probably going to live, but he's in some sort of coma right now."

Sydney started crying. George looked over to David, and while he was facing away, he could tell he was tearing up as well. Almost as if he didn't want him to see. That didn't make any sense to George, but he didn't question it.

His attention was brought back to Sydney. "I wished, I wished it wasn't true... My poor Clayton..." She said through her tears.

George felt very out of place watching Dream's mom, whom Dream hated, cry over the possibility of him dying. His family dynamic made no sense to him. Especially since Dream told him about the weird conversation he overheard when Niki arrived. But at least they seemed like they cared for him?

George cleared his throat, trying to find an exit. "I'll come tell you when I get an update. I leave you be."

Sydney gave him a small smile. "Thank you so much King George." George nodded back in return, and turned around to leave. But Sydney stopped him.


George looked back at her, confused. She hesitated.

"I-I wanted to apologize. F-For helping to kill your parents."

George just stared at her.

After no answer, she continued. "Now, don't take this wrong, this is not me trying to butter you up or anything, this is me genuinely apologizing. I honestly feel terrible."

George wouldn't have believed her, not in a million years, if it wasn't for what Dream said he overheard. He paused.

"....Thank you for apologizing. You aren't getting my forgiveness, nor the gratitude of ridding your guilt with a simple apology. It takes more than that. But good job for growing up and realizing your actions were wrong even though it was obvious."

After that, he left without another word. He was going to have to talk to Dream about this once he woke up. It was all too confusing. But he was going to wake up, he was sure of it. 


The next few will be a little shorter fyi

Make sure to stay hydrated and safe! :D

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