Chapter 2

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In the morning, Dream made sure to get up bright and early, although it wasn't that hard. He really couldn't sleep, he was so excited to finally be here! He finally had the chance to better his kingdom, to help protect George from people like his parents. And on top of that, no one knew who he really was. He could start a new identity, and build up a good legacy for it.

He continued to excitedly daydream as he got ready for the day. He made some final adjustments to his armor, and went over to the mirror to mess with his dark golden locks, moving it around his mask. After he was satisfied he went and stood in front of the door, building up his confidence to open it. He took a deep breath, and stepped outside his room.

He examined the hallway. There were quite a few guards around, though it made sense, his room was positioned right next to George's room.

Dream didn't really know what to do, so he decided to try and start a conversation with the two guards who were positioned on either side of George's room to figure out what to do.

"Good morning, when does King George usually get out of his room?" Dream asked as politely as possible.

They took a second to answer, looking unsurely to each other. "You're the personal guard under interview, right?" The guard on the right asked, a little skeptical.

"Yes, my name is Dream." Dream answered. The guard nodded.

"Well His majesty's alarm goes off at six, and he's usually out from seven to eight. The previous personal guard just stood out here to wait for him." The guard on the left answered. Dream mentally sighed. He got up a little too early, it was only six-thirty.

Dream rested against the wall, and waited for him. While he was waiting, he took in the surroundings a little more. He only got to see this hallway a little, because it was quite late when they got in last night. From what Dream could see, it didn't seem all that different to the rest of the hallways in the castle. The only difference was the, by the looks of it, centuries worth of family portraits.

About an hour later, George came out of his room, looking very tired. Dream wondered if he had trouble sleeping. But he didn't want to pry. So he gave the king a warm smile.

"Good morning, your majesty, did you sleep well?" Dream asked, bowing his head a little. He was going to act as formal as possible around George, he figured it'd be better than not being formal enough.

George, on the other hand, was too tired to act formal. He looked at Dream confused for a second.

"Hm..? Oh. Morning Dream..." George said with a yawn. "I slept well I guess. I just don't do mornings that well." George finished, after another yawn. "Come on, follow me, We're going to the dining room for breakfast."

Even though George was obviously tired, he still carried himself like a king. Dream followed behind him, trying to walk a few steps behind him.

He normally didn't have breakfast before working here, he never had money to spare for such luxuries. But he assumed he would have three full meals everyday he works here.

The dining room they went into was rather pretty, and had the biggest table Dream had ever seen. He waited for George to seat himself before sitting down himself. He stood awkwardly next to his chair, before George nodded, allowing him to sit next to him.

George was the one that broke the silence. "So Dream, what's your favorite breakfast food?"

Dream looked over at him, and just stared for a second. He was going to have to hold small talk with royalty.

"U-uh- I don't really eat breakfast a lot, so I don't really know." Dream responded, stuttering from his nerves. George nodded awkwardly and looked away.

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