Chapter 33

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Dream and George woke up at a fairly normal time even though they had been in bed almost all day yesterday. But George knew that they couldn't do that again, they had to figure out what to do about Dream's parents. But he wanted to delay that as much as possible today, he was pretty happy to just lay in Dream's arms.

Dream was pretty close to being able to be around the castle normally again. Landon didn't do too much damage to his wound, just tore the scab that was forming. And it was slowly starting to stop hurting constantly, just here and there.

Dream looked over at George and noticed he was up. He gave him a small smile, but to his surprise, George did not return it. "George? Everything okay?" He asked, sitting up a little.

George sighed. "We need to talk about your parents." he said, freeing himself from Dream hold and sitting up. Dream sighed, but sat up as well.

"Ugh, I knew I couldn't keep avoiding it forever." Dream said. George rolled his eyes again, Dream sure woke up with an attitude. He smiled and shook his head.

"Well, what do you think we should do with them? I don't think they deserve being in the dungeon anymore, but I also don't think we can just let them go either." George started, just thinking aloud at this point.

Dream was silent for a while, trying to think. He was right, there weren't a lot of options. "I don't know, there really aren't a lot of options. I mean, we could just treat the room they're in as their new 'cell'." Dream suggested.

George considered this. "Hmm, maybe. But I feel like people would find out about them, and we both know why that's a bad idea." This was true. Dream continued to think. They need to do something that keeps them out of the public eye, that at the same time doesn't give them a chance to do anything bad.

"Maybe we could put them into a job. Something to give them fulfillment instead of crime stuff. George said after a second.

Dream considered this. "That's a good idea, but what would they do?" George gave him a 'really' face.

"Dream, you know them way better than I do, what do you think they'd want to do?" Dream sighed.

"I don't know, all they do is steal stuff, sneak around, and attack people." Dream was right. That wasn't a lot to work with. There really isn't something they could do besides crime with those hobbies.

George's eyes widened. Unless... Dream looked at him in anticipation. "What..?! What did you think of?" But George couldn't say it yet, he had to put it together in his head.

After a minute, George said what he was thinking. "Well, if they worked for us, we could keep an eye on them..." George started.

Dream looked at him confused. "Well ya, but people would not want them around the castle." George nodded. He knew that.

"But who said they would need to be around the castle..?" Now Dream was thoroughly confused.

"Just tell me already!" Dream said with a laugh. George laughed a little too. "

Okay, well, I was thinking... Me nor my parents have never had a... A spy before..." Dream caught his drift.

"Do you think that'd be a good idea? I mean, they are known for lying." George nodded.

"Think about it. They like the thrill that comes with what they do, I would feel that being a spy would have that same thrill. It also lets us keep tabs on them without them being in the castle for someone to find. And if we get some information on other kingdoms because of them, it's even better. And if we don't, it doesn't hurt us."

Dream smiled. He might be onto something. "Y'know what? I like that idea. Maybe run it through with Sapnap first though. Besides, I'd want him to accompany you when you tell them. I'm not confident that I'll be able to protect you if I go."

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