Chapter 3

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The week was over.

Dream was getting his results in the throne room.

"Dream, You have done very well." George started. "Since you're the first interview I can't say how you'll be placed. But I definitely was impressed by some of the things you could offer for us. So while I'm interviewing others interested, you get to stay in one of the royal guest rooms."

Dream sighed in relief. That was as close to 'yes' as he could have received. He got good feedback. He even gets to stay in the castle until everyone else is done. He took that as a win.

"Thank you, your majesty," Dream said with a bow, "I wish you luck with your other interviewees." Dream stood up, and went towards the resident wing of the castle.

George smiled, and prepared for the next interview.

Almost a month had passed now.

George had eight total people apply, But only four of them got the week-long interview. Dream was with two of them in the throne room waiting to see who would get the job.

George smiled as he addressed everyone. "I would like to say, all of you did phenomenal. I adored having all of you. All of you were so kind, and caring to not only me, but towards the job in general. But alas, only one of you can get the job. For all of you who don't, I offer you all any guard position open. I would love having all of you on my staff. Now, for the lucky guard who gets the job..."

The room silenced. Even the chatter that's always present from the guards stopped. Everyone was waiting.

"...Is none other than Dream!" George announced after a suspenseful pause. Everyone broke into applause, even the other interviewees.

Dream started feeling his eyes start watering, but thank goodness no one could tell because of his mask. He got the job. He actually got the job. He could make his dream come true, helping protect George and the kingdom. Dream stepped up next to George, still smiling.

"Congratulations Dream, I look forward to working alongside you." George said, smiled towards him. It was a tough decision, and he was nervous about choosing Dream. He had figured out that Dream could lie really well, from the test he gave him. But Dream had so many positives, that it outweighed the negative.

"Thank you so much King George. My sword is yours." Dream said with a bow. Dream could tell this was the start of something new, and exciting.

He was ready for this.

The throne room was bustling with maids and butlers the very next morning, frantically running around the room. They had to prepare the ceremony that night, the one where Dream was officially named the new personal guard.

George and Dream were at the throne. At first, George was completely oblivious to the whirlwind around him. He was just doing his normal work, as far as Dream could tell. But as time passed on, George occasionally looked up, more and more over time. Eventually he just stopped and stared. Dream noticed.

"Hey are you okay? You seem a little out of it." Dream said eventually. George didn't give any sign of hearing at first. But suddenly his head snapped towards him like he was awoken from a dream. He then sighed.

"I guess, I'm just... thinking about things." George said, looking away.

"Want to talk about it?" Dream responded, trying not to sound pushy. George hesitated a little. But he's already trusted Dream a lot already, so why not just continue?

"Well, I'm just thinking about my old personal guard, and all the fun times we had. I really thought he wanted what was best for the kingdom, for me. I'm just paranoid about betrayal, I guess." George said with a sigh, still not making eye contact.

Dream was sad to see him struggling. He tried to comfort him. "Don't worry, I understand. It probably doesn't help that I'm not showing you my face or telling you my real name. I just... can't. It's personal." Dream said after a pause, starting to look away as well.

"Hey, don't worry about that. You seem like a nice person, and I'd never make anyone do something they're not comfortable with." George said, finally looking at Dream.

Dream looked back at him, George was giving him a warm smile. Dream smiled back.

George and Dream spent the rest of the time they had that day just talking, getting to know each other. They went to get ready for the ceremony at six pm, and were in the throne room by seven.

The room was elegant, and beautifully decorated. Dream thought that it was beautiful when he first got here, but it was on a whole other level now, and had at least a thousand seats.

"Wow, I've never seen a room this well decorated with so many chairs in my life!" Dream said to George, while the first guests were starting to enter.

"Really? This is nothing compared to my coronation. Or any royal dinner I've ever been to. Although, I guess you've never been to one of those heh." George said, looking out at the room. "Did you not go to my coronation? Because it was way more decorated than this."

Dream winced at the thought. Did Dream go to his coronation?! Of course not! His family was the reason it was held so early! Plus, people would have recognized him as a Collins. Not the guards, but people from his village. He could have never stepped foot in the castle without his mask.

"No I didn't, I was already traveling to my guard training when your coronation was announced." Dream answered. He didn't feel too bad, it wasn't a total lie after all.

"Aw, too bad, it was a beautiful ceremony. Although, I really couldn't enjoy it since it happened so close to... well... my parents' funeral..." George said, a little sadly.

Dream felt so bad. Why did it have to be his parents? He guessed he was going to have to get used to his parents being brought up more if he was going to be around George. But it still hurts. But that is why Dream was here, to make up for their actions.

George shook his head. "Anyway, are you ready for the ceremony? Know what you're doing?" George said after a second. That pulled Dream out of his thoughts. He thought for a second.

"Ya, I think so."

It took a good hour for everyone to arrive. But eventually, the guards stopped letting people in, and George started his speech.

"Thank you all for coming. We are gathered here today to name Dream the new personal guard of the kingdom." George turned away from the crowd, and towards Dream who was kneeling in front of the throne.

"Do you Dream, swear on your blade, that you will use your power to protect me? To save the kingdom when it's in peril, even at your own expense? That you will use your power for the betterment of the kingdom, the citizens, and me? For the betterment of the ones who came before us, and for yourself?" Dream took out his sword just like he practiced.

"I do. Upon my blade, I swear to protect you with my life." George took Dream's hand, and held it up high as the crowd went wild. 


That will be all I post today! Hope you all enjoyed, and remember to hydrate and stay safe! :D

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