Babysitter (2)

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What caused such a loving woman like herself to collapse like this? A previous conversation crossed his mind. "If you felt in your gut that something was amiss, what would you do?" he wondered if her gut was right and the information was too much for her to handle in the end. Her form shivered on the floor, the fit seemed to tire her out. Kiba took it upon himself to pick her up and take her to her bedroom. He was mindful of her shoulder as he laid her down in the disheveled bed before removing the slink and tucking her under the covers. The woman's eyes remind closed as she sniffled and tried in vain to console herself.

Kiba figured she needed some time, he stepped away but paused when hearing her feeble voice. "Dont leave. Not yet." she didn't look at him but he opted to sit on the floor next to the bed. This was the closest he could get but still allow her the space he knew she needed. How would literally anyone console her? Maybe he should call someone else here but who else was here in the village that would be able to truly help her? That could truly put her mind at rest.

"Ill stay as long as you need me." he promised as the words seemed to sink her more. All she could do was depend on someone from one of the betraying families. She was weak to the betrayal because who else did she have? Her mind flashed over Yukimaru and then to Kami. Maybe she should just leave the village. Was that for the best, she couldn't see sasuke till she got herself together so until then, she would find a place to exist. But where?

"You know, I thought you were a snobbish sasuke enthusiast when I first saw you." she looked at kiba to see the back of his head. He had removed the headband allowing his wild hair to fall and curtain his face messily. She always thought it was charming when he allowed his hair to be free. She reached her hand out and allowed her fingers to play in his locs, she noticed his stiff shoulders relax and he continued. "You carried yourself with this pompous attitude as if the world was beneath you but soon I realize as we became friends, that you seemed that way to the unambitious. You had a goal and would reach it no matter what. No one truly knew what that goal was but you and sasuke made sure to show us that nothing would stop it."

Her fingers never slowed as she lost them in the waves of his hair. Why was he telling her this?

"It was annoying because no matter how much I wanted to approach you more, there was a wall. As if you were unobtainable but that was because I made you that way. I veiwed you in a lens that made it strange to see you as a person, as a woman and when the lens came off I saw (y/n). A very motherly and selfless woman who battled duty and personal feelings. Youre beautiful but cute. Nice but brutal. But most of all-" he looked to the woman who seemed to hang onto every word he said.

"Youre forgiving. You forgive even the worst scum, and I cant come to understand why. I try to think and understand the reason. I thought it was something like naruto where you need to accept everyone so they have a place to belong but you arent that empathetic. Then I realized what it truly might be. You forgive so that one day when you truly cross the line, you may also be forgiven." tears began to flow again. Had she not already crossed that line? Using her body to get desired outcomes, killing innocent or guilty men and women. Failing her family. Kiba leaned forward and kissed her cheek, the salty tear spread all over his tongue.

He wondered how bitter her pain was if he could taste it. "If forgiveness is all you need then ill forgive you for it all. No matter what it is, ill shoulder it all for you if it allows you atleast one good night of rest." his heart pounded with the confession as his face and neck flushed. But his countenance remains unfliched. He meant every word and wanted her to feel it. She allowed a genuine smile to cross her lips and she rested her forehead on his.

"The damned can not be forgiven so easily. I will remain on the fire-traced path but my heart is eased." she pulled her head away and lay on the pillow. The lids of her eyes were drooping as she fought the urge to sleep. "Stay with me tonight, please. Just like this pup." finally, he broke through even just a little. "I'll be right here, as long as you need me."

Cedar |Naruto various x Reader|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt