❙ 017. Perfectly Wrong

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KARMIKA: I don't know just how bad will Quotev reduces the quality, but here is an art of the MC and Shoto on chapter two during the Moon and Earth scene. It's a commission that I ordered from this sweet person <3. I forgot to request how specific background is, but the whole thing is still pretty, so yes (TMI: I'm bad at imagining how the MC looks like, so I left it all to the artist on how to draw her, tbh). That is all, enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or anything related to it, such as characters, plots, etc. I do not own any images used in this story. I only own original characters that are introduced, and the plot of this fanfiction. I apologize for the grammar issues. English is not my first language.


To be honest, despite the awkward tension and the weird accusation, you find yourself holding back a snort from the whole situation.

Mineta's sudden appearance throws you off, of course, the others too. But still, seeing how he stalked Shinso to the point he hides himself in the bushes close to the both of you, you are slightly amazed by his dedication and just how different things are because of you.

I never know if I've made any big changes... You place your hands around the cat once more as you lift it from your lap onto the ground. So seeing Mineta like this gives me a small assurance that I'm still able to change canon widely. 

Straying too far from the canon isn't good, since the future will be all too unpredictable, but not changing anything isn't good either, you need to make a change to your advantage.

"...We're not dating." Shinso finally speaks after the long silence that washed over the atmosphere, the deadpan on his face becoming much deadpan-er, if that's even a word.

Mineta scoffs, crossing his arms as he moves away from the bush and walks over to the both of you. "You might be fooling people by pretending to take care of a cat, but I know better about forbidden love!" He starts pointing his finger again at the both of you, even the cat looks tired from his words. "First day of school, yet two students from opposite gender happened to be taking care of the same cat?! It must be an excuse for a date!"

You hold back coughs.

Mineta's speculation has some logical reasoning to it, of course. But it is a bit of a stretch, no matter how weird this coincidence is. Is he taking revenge on you for stealing his points? Or was he interested in Shinso's pretty boy vibes that he stalked him?

Either way, it's a bit funnily awkward hearing out his words. You put a hand over your mouth, holding back a smile. "...I'm sorry, but I just met this person today."

"Meow," the cat on your lap meows in addition as if agreeing with your words.

Shinso holds back a snort at the cat who just meowed, and so, he keeps up his poker face. "See? Even the cat agrees."

The cat meows again, nodding its head as it rubs its paw on its face.

Mineta, though, doesn't seem to take its meows very seriously as he fumes even more, pointing his finger at the cat. "Don't think you can deceive me with your cryptic words, cat! I now know the true nature of their relationship, you won't make me doubt myself!"

It seems like Mineta also gains the power of understanding the cat language.

Sighing, you scoop your hands underneath the cat's feet, lifting it up as you hold it out a little, trying to look a tiny bit pitiful, curving your lips downward. The cat seems to notice it and copies your expression, looking sad. "Please don't say things like that."

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