❙ 009. School Festival Shenanigans

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Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or anything related to it, such as characters, plots, etc. I do not own any images used in this story. I only own original characters that are introduced, and the plot of this fanfiction. I apologize for the grammar issues. English is not my first language.


You don't necessarily hate school festivals, per se. Even right now, with you just walking around the stands in this year's school festival, you suddenly like the idea of walking around. Maybe it's because no one noticed your presence, maybe it's because you're alone right now, with no one else to guide you, and you like it.

The feeling of spending time by yourself can be comforting sometimes.

It's your second year in Middle School. Like any other day, there is nothing worth noting about your Middle School days. Maybe this festival will lead you to meet some characters because it's open to public-but still not that much if you don't have the time and energy to interact with them. Last year, you passed by a few canon characters like Ashido and Kaminari, but they're surrounded by their schoolmates, so you didn't have the chance to interact with them (not that you have the energy nor the ideas to interact with them because they couldn't even feel your presence).

You don't mind being an observer, though. It's fun, seeing the younger version of them talking with their friends, having fun and all. It makes you think that at least, they have happy moments before everything downhill prior to their High School years.

Students in your class barely notice your presence, therefore, you weren't assigned to do anything with your class doing an ice cream stand outside aside from gathering ingredients. Just like usual. It's not like you're particularly good at anything to gain any money-with you never cooking anything in this life.

Shoto, unfortunately, is given a key role in the school festival because him being a human dispenser. He's used a lot. The school festival is probably an event where he interacted with other students his age the most, which you think is nice since he seems a lot looser from his father's chains than the canon.

The least I can do is bring him something cold to drink or to eat. You look around the stalls, finding the usual school festival foods that are shown in anime, it's almost like a template at this rate.


"Ow-Did I bump into someone? Huh? There's no one?"

You swiftly move away from the person you bumped into and get even closer to the middle of the crowd along the road. Well, at least they didn't notice your presence, that will be terrible.

Oh, that's my class' stand. Your eyes were quick to notice your class stand among others, maybe the bump was a God's miracle or something. I have money with me, so it should be okay if I get some for Shoto and me.

You're lucky you didn't use your pocket money much that you can spend all of it on the school festival's stands today-considering subscriptions for premium apps aren't yours to handle.

You slowly emerge from the crowd and stand in front of your class' stand, hand already holding out your wallet. "Excuse me." You call out to them.

One of your classmates takes notice of your voice and then frowns when they don't see the source of it (you). "Did I mishear something?" They continue to look around, but alas, never take notice of your presence.

"It's probably just the crowds." Another one replies.

Great. You aren't noticed once again. "Excuse me-I'm right here, I want two cones of ice cream, please." Not wanting to have any ridiculous invisible moments, you immediately cut to the chase and state your orders.

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