I slapped both of their faces, waking them up. They both groaned in exhaustion. "Look who's finally awake" Wilbur started.

"Where are we? Why are we here!" Eret angrily responded. "Welcome to one of our bases" I smiled.

"So, you really think that we can't get out of these? You must be stupid" Corpse laughed. "Uh, yeah, c'mon, try and get out of them, let's see how that turns out" I encourage.

Corpse started shuffling, trying to get out and he was wriggling about but a loud crash was heard when he tipped over on the chair and is now of the floor, looking like an idiot.

The whole group laughed their asses off. Corpse then started rolling around then accidentally knocked Eret over.

I'm now struggling to breathe with how stupidly funny this is. "Uh, guys, you take care of them two, I'm gonna find Dream and Sapnap and bleed out Eret's little secret" I said then walked out of the room.


Dream POV

I was in the police station talking to Niki when I heard a lot a gasps. I turned around and walking through the door was Criminal404.

"You've got to be kidding me" I mumbled under my breath. Criminal404 noticed me and walked over.

"I need you and Sapnap...right now, the group has something to tell you and it is not good" Criminal404 started.

"Well what is it?" I asked. "Well, I'll tell you later when Sapnap is here" he replied. "I'll call him" I sighed.

I called Sapnap and he answered immediately.

"What's up bro?"

"Criminal404 is here and he wants you"

"I'm on my way. Do you know why?"

"No, but he said he needs both of us"

"Alright, I'm coming" Sapnap answered then the call ended.

I put my phone down "Right, well Sapnap is coming he'll be here soon-". I was then cut off by Sapnap bursting through the doors.

"You called?" He smirked. "Why are you smiling....and why were you so quick?" I asked. "Oh, I just like this whole criminal stuff" he chuckled.

"Ok? Well, I need you to come to the base, it's important.....very important. The van's outside" he explained.

"And why should we go?" I asked. "It involves Eret and Corpse" he sighed. "Fuck that, I'm in!" I smiled.


Me, Sapnap, Criminal404 and the van driver made it to the base. When we walked in bags were taken off our heads and we saw Eret and Corpse tied up with duct tape over their mouth.

"What are you doing with Eret!!" I yelled. "Well, I would let Eret tell you but he threatened to reveal my identity, so, Eret has betrayed us, especially you" Criminal404 said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Eret has been working with Corpse for the past 12 years, he has been helping Corpse to kill people including you, Sapnap, your sister and your little crush George" he explained.

"How am i supposed to believe you? How did you find this out?" I asked. "I went into the station to tell Eret about a war that is going to be happening between us and Corpse so I wanted to ask for his help then blah blah blah, he admitted that he has been friends with Corpse for 12 years and has been working for him. Corpse burst through the door then blah blah blah again then I shot them with tranquillisers" he explained.

I took a few steps forward and looked at Eret. Then I slapped him violently across his face. "Woo!! Go Dream!!" Criminal404 laughed.

"Oo! Me next!" Sapnap giggled then slapped Eret across the face. "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" KayJay laughed.

"I feel so stupid not knowing about him" I sighed. "Dream, you're not stupid, even the whole gang, which are a gang of the smartest criminals ever, couldn't even figure it out. And Sapnap couldn't figure it out....but no surprise there" he reassured.

"Hey! I would've figured it out in seconds.... I just wasn't exactly focused on it..." Sapnap lied. I rolled my eyes at Sapnap and his stupid response.

"Wait, so Eret knows identity?" I asked. "Well, he knows my identity and the tall freak's identity" Criminal404 replied, looking at the tall guy who was standing next to him.

"And what about Corpse?" Sapnap questioned. "Corpse knows all our identities, he's the one who told Eret my identity" Criminal404 responded.

"Can i slap Corpse?" I asked. "Of course, slap him has many times as you want" Criminal404 replied.

"Yes!" I smiled then slapped Corpse a couple of times then slapped Eret a few more times as well.

"How many times do you slap people?" I asked. "Very often, it's actually quite fun. But anyways, the only reason I brought you here was to show you Eret and Corpse and I also have to tell you and Sapnap something" Criminal404 replied.

"What do you need to tell us?" I asked. "Do into that room and DO NOT touch anything" Criminal404 instructed.

"Aye aye captain!" Sapnap laughed then we walked off into the other room.

George POV

"Techno and Skeppy, keep an eye on Eret and Corpse, me and Wilbur will go to Dream and Sapnap and sort some things out" I said.

Me and Wilbur left and walked into the room that Dream and Sapnap were in.

"So, we need a plan, a plan where we can get all the officers on our side, where they can help us in the war. You are deputy, they'll listen to you, do you have any ideas" I started.

Dream and Sapnap started thinking while me and Wilbur just stared at them.

A smirk slowly appeared on Dream's face. "Heh, I might have one"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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