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George POV

the doctor just said that he'll get the phone so that I can talk to my parents. I feel like this won't turn out good.

After a minute or two the doctor came back in. "Here is the phone, you can talk to them right now" the doctor said handing me a phone then he walked out the room.


"George!!" My mum said sounding relieved and crying at the same time.

"Hi mum..."

"Y-you're alive" she said bawling her eyes out.

"Yeah..." I said sounding sad.

"Where have you been all my life!!!"

"Sorry mum..."

"Sorry for what? I just want to know what happened!" She said shocked.

"I....I ran away....to Orlando"

"Oh sweetie! Why?! Where have been living?!"

"I made friends so I live a-at a friends house"

"Where in Orlando do you currently live?!" She said asking all these questions.

"I'd rather not say..."

"Why?!" She said sounding stressed.

"I-I don't want you to take me back to your house"


"Because I prefer it here, I have friends here, I feel like my life is easier here"

"What was so wrong about back home"

"Everything, I never really like it there, it just didn't feel right, but my life is so much better here"

"Do you mind if we come and visit you in the hospital?"

"Umm....as long as you promise not to take me back"

"As much as I miss you, if you prefer it there, then I'll let you stay"

"Thank you mum"

"I can't wait to give you a big hug, I've missed you so much! It's been so long! How many friends do you even have over there?"


"Wow, a lot more than I expected, and, what you did was the most stupidest but bravest thing you've ever done"

"I don't regret it, people are alive and so am I"

"...I love you"

"I love you too"

"I'll be there in about 8 hours"


"Are your friends currently with you?"


"Can i talk to one of them?"


"Can i just talk to them"

"Okay...which one?"

"Umm...the one you've known the longest"


I then took the phone away from my ear. "Wil, my mum wants to talk to you" I said. He looked confused but agreed to talk so I gave him the phone.

Wilbur POV


"Hi, Umm, i'm George's mum"

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