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Sappy Nappy POV :)

"Hey Sapnap!" Dream said, slightly smiling, it didn't look like a real smile but I just ignored it. "Hey Dream, I uh, actually was planning on talking to you soon....I actually have to ask you something" I replied.

I was planning on telling Dream about my suspicions of George. Part of me was was thinking 'at least tell him so he can notice some similarities and actually think about the possibilities'

Whereas the other half was like 'just wait and see, there is still a chance George isn't who I think he is. But even if he is, I can tell how much George actually loves Dream, and can see that George wouldn't harm Dream'

"Oh really? What was it?" He asked, confused. "Well, first of all, I wanted to ask if I could see George soon, I need to talk to him about something important" i started.

"When did you ever talk to George about important stuff?" He scoffed. "That's not the point" I sighed

"Well, I just came back from seeing George, and something happened so I feel like he might not be free for a couple of days but at the same time, George is George and he kinda does whatever he wants to do"

"Oh, what was the situation, don't tell me he got stabbed again". Dream then froze. "I...uh no...h-he didn't get stabbed....but he doesn't really want people knowing about...what happened" he stuttered a bit.

I then started at him confused...then I noticed redness under his eyes. "Have you been crying" I asked, pulling a worried face.

"I-uh...no...no I haven't" he lied. "Bro, what have you been crying about? You okay? What has George done to you?"

"N-no, I'm fine, George didn't do anything, I-I promise" he stuttered. I furrowed my eyebrows "...okay...but you can talk to me if you need anything" I reassured.

"Thanks" he smiled.


George POV

It's been three days since the incident that occurred. Dream has been calling me every now and then to check up on me, but today he is working so I went to the station.

I entered the doors and went to the receptionist. "Hey George" she said. "Hey Niki......it's Niki, right?" I made sure.

She nodded and smiled. "Good, umm, is Dream here? I heard he is working today" I asked. "Yes, he is here, I think he might be in the canteen, having his lunch" she informed.

"Thank you Niki, I'll find my way there" I smiled and walked away.


After a bit of walking I finally found the canteen. I walked in and saw Dream sitting at a table, scrolling on his phone.

I decided to sneak up behind him and give him a jump scare. I quietly walked a behind him and got close.

I then quickly put my hands on his shoulders "BOO!" I yelled in his ear. "AHHH" he yelled deeply. I then spun his head around and saw me.

He had a surprised look on his face "GEORGE!" He smiled. He quickly stood up and gave me a big hug.

I hugged back with a smile. "Hello! I came to visit you, you said you were working today so I asked Niki where you were and she said you were here"

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