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Dream POV

"What do you mean that it's up to me to decide?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "Okay, we'll let me start off with, you know how every now and then we get a body in front of the station, with a note attached to it, right?" Eret said.

"Right" I confirmed. "Well, I feel like you know who is sending the notes and if you do, I would like it if you to tell me who it is" he asked.

"Well I'm sorry but I don't know who it is. They clearly know me and I might know them if they tell me who it is but right now, I don't know" I lied.

"Mmm...alright..." he said suspiciously. "But that's not the only thing I want to talk to you about, so sit down" he smiled.

I sat down on a chair that was the opposite side of the table so I was face to face with him. "What is it"

He said nothing but slid a golden badge across the table, in front of me. I picked it up and looked at the writing on it.

Police Deputy Chief

"Congratulations Dream, or should I said Deputy Chief Dream, you've levelled up" he smiled.

"NO WAY!!! ACTUALLY!!" I smiled widely. "Yes, congratulations" he smiled and put his hand out for a hand shake. I took it and gripped it hard from excitement.

I took my old badge off and put on a new one. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I've definitely got to tell the others!!!!" I smiled.

I then rushed out of the room and outside in happiness. "GUYS!!! GUYS!!!" I yelled. They turned their heads around and looked at me.

"What?" Sapnap said confused. "Look!!!" I smiled, pointing to the golden badge on my chest.

Sapnap looked at it and inspected it. "NO WAY!!!" He screeched. William and George stood up and looked at the badge.

"Wait! What!! You're almost Chief!!" George smiled. "I know right!! That also means I get higher pay!! I'm going to be rich!!" I cheered.

"Congratulations" William smiled. "Thank you!" I smiled back.

I looked at George with a massive smile then Sapnap whispered into my ear. "I know you wanna kiss him"

"Fuck off" I said, rolling my eyes. I didn't deny it though. Just seeing George being happy that I'm happy just makes me smile to much.

"Oh my god! Guys! I have the best idea ever!" Sapnap jumped. "What is it?" George asked. "We can all have a SLEEPOVER!!" He joyfully yelled.

Oh god...what is he planning now

We all then looked at each other in silence. "I mean....I don't mind, only if Dream goes" George said. Trust me. I'm coming. "Perfect! And you can bring your friend Karl along"

"Ah yes, the one who thinks your cute and you think he's cute" George smiled. "What about you William?" Sapnap asked.

"I probably can't but I'm sure you guys will have a great time" He smiled. "Alright, what time" I said

"How about 6:30pm, my place, tonight" Sapnap suggested. "Sure, I'm fine with that" I answered. "Me too, I'll just have to call Karl" George said bringing out his phone.

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