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George POV

Me and Dream were walking along a pavement until we saw two little children outside a house selling little toys to make money. They were so small and cute.

"Hi kind sirs, do you want to buy anything from our stand. Everything is cheap!" A little blonde girl smiled, she coincidentally had a strong Texan accent. They looked about 6 years old.

Me and Dream smiled and went towards them. "Sure" Dream smiled. "Aww Dreamy boy better get you a present" Wilbur teased.

Dream POV

"Sure" I said with a great smile. I looked at the toys, there was a small cute fluffy bear that was holding a little love heart. "How much is that bear" I said in a sweet tone.

"2 dollars" the other brunette girl smiled "I don't have 2 dollars but I have 100 dollars" I smiled.

I actually did have 2 dollars but I want to be EXTRA kind to these little girls. "What! That's too much" she giggled. "Not for me, you girls deserve it" I looked over at George. He was shocked but kept smiling.

I handed them the money and they gave me the bear. I then handed the bear to George. "Here you go, this is a present for you" I smiled.

He looked at the heart in the bear's hand and giggled "aww, thank you" he said with a large cute smile.

I then looked at the girl. "Thank you kind sir, can I give you a hug" she said joyfully. "Of course" I replied.

She then hugged me tightly. "What's your name? My name is Annabelle Armstrong and that is Kate Armstrong" she said.

Armstrong? Sapnap? "My name is Clay Block, but my friends call me Dream" I said. "Dream? Like Officer Dream? Are you friends with Uncle Nick!" Annabelle said excitedly.

"Yes! I am indeed!" I said shocked...I am literally shocked. Uncle Nick? When was he ever an Uncle. He never told me he had siblings.

She then looked at George "and you must be George! Dreams boyfriend! Uncle Nick tells us all about you!" He said pointing at George.

"Uh yeah, this is George...my boyfriend..." I said even though he isn't my boyfriend. Soon I heard the house door open and I looked up.

it was Sapnap "oh! Hi Dream!" Sapnap said. "Hi Uncle Nick" I smirked "don't you
fff.........fudge is my favourite snack after bible study" he said 'saving himself' from swearing. (Please tell me that someone has heard that joke)

"Uncle Nick, you don't have to pretend, we all knew you were going to say fuck" Kate said. Me and Sapnap were in shock but George was about to burst out laughing.

"Kate! No swearing!" Sapnap said strictly "yeah yeah...blah blah blah" she said rolling her eyes. "Dream gave us 100 dollars for my teddy bear to give to his boyfriend George!" She said running up to him and waving the 100 dollars in his face.

"Dream?!" He said shocked. "I was feeling a little generous" I said shrugging my shoulders. "You even gave it to George! That's so cute!" He giggled.

"Oh well, we better get going, but I hope to see you later" I said waving "bye Dream and George!" The girls said in sync then giggled after.

"Thanks for the bear" George giggled. I blushed a lot. "You're welcome" I smiled as we carried on walking around a couple of blocks and had some chats.

I started to notice George getting distracted but there wasn't really anything to be distracted by. (Just saying that the thing George is getting distracted by are the guys in the earpiece but Dream doesn't know that) "You alright, George? You seem to keep on getting distracted" I asked worried

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