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Finally another chapterrrr!!!!

George POV

After a bit I eventually made it back to Sapnap's house in my disguise. I knocked on the door three times and Sapnap hesitantly answered.

"Oh thank god you're here" he sighed in relief. "Bailey is fine and safe, she was just unconscious when I got to her so she doesn't know that I have her the antidote" I said, walking into the house.

I went into the living room and told Dream about Bailey. "I have a question" Dream started. "Yes?"

"How do you know so much information about people like me and Sap?" He asked. "We know information about loads of people in Florida, we have two computer tech people they find out anything in milliseconds" I answered

"Really?" Dream asked. "How do you think I found out about your sister and Sapnap's sister and Sapnap's nieces and parents. How do you think I found out where Sapnap lives? I even know where you live. And I know information about people where you work. It's just easy" I explained.

"Woah, so you like just searched up where Sapnap lives?" He said, confused. "In a way-

"-wait! You know where I live? That's probably hard to find out. No?" he said. "No, you guys are easy to find out, it's the criminals that are a little harder" Tubbo budged in.

Five knocks were heard at Sapnap's door. "I bet you 20 bucks that it's an assassin" I bet to Wilbur.

"Deal" he nodded. "I'll answer that" Sapnap said, walking to the front door. When he opened it there was a man with a package in his arm.

"Uh, I've got a delivery for....Nick Armstrong? Is that correct?" The man said. "Sorry but I haven't ordered anything"

I smiled and looked at Wilbur. "Give me the money" I smiled happily. He then brought up 20 dollars from his pocket and handed it to me.

I then stood up and walked to the door where Sapnap was. "Hello there sir" I greeted kindly. I noticed that he looked down at my belt, where I have my tasers, pepper spray, knife, guns and other harmful things.

"Well....that's a lot of stuff you've got there" he said awkwardly. "I know, it really comes in handy. Especially with bad people" I smirked

"W-what type of bad people" he chuckled nervously. "Y'know people who try to hurt my family and friends, for example, my trusty friend Sapnap, right here" I smiled and patted Sap's back.

"Oh....." he gulped. "But I don't think a innocent delivery man would hurt him, would you?" I asked. He then coughed but didn't answer.

"Oh? Are you trying to hurt him? Are you one of those....assassins" I asked then standing in front of Sapnap.

"I....uh....n-no....I don't know what your talking about" he nervously said then backed away from the door.

"I hate liars, sometimes it makes me want to kill them" I said then walked a bit closer to him which brought me outside.

".....It's for the money...." He mumbled. "It's for the what?" I said even though I heard what he said.

"The mone-" He half said before my fist met his face. I purposely hit the temples so he would pass out.

"No wonder why Dream has a crush on you, you do all this hot shit. Luckily Karl does the same thing" Sapnap laughed at the unconscious body on the floor.

"You wanna carry him in or call the police?" I asked. "Me and Dream are the police, no need, just drag him in" Sapnap said.

I nodded then grabbed the body by the ankles and dragged him into the house. "Bro who the fuck is that?" Dream said, standing up.

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