Chapter 47

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His P.O.V

There she was.

Just like I remembered her as gorgeous as always.

Even though she looked like she didn't know wether to cry or smile. Instead I quickly felt the impact of her body.

Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck as she stood on her toes. Her small body shaking as she cries softly.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently rubbed her back.

"What's wrong little darlin" I asked in a soft voice.

"I'm so sorry for what I did, I shouldn't have done that" She mumbled into my shoulder.

I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. Walking over to the kitchen I set her down on one of the stools.

Gently pulling away from the hug to look at her red puffy eyes and her tear stained face.

The poor thing looked like she hadn't slept in weeks which was I'm positive how I looked at well.

"Baby it's completely okay, I'm sorry for what I did too. I shouldn't have done that drunk or not" I apologize gently rubbing my thumb against her cheek.

"Don't be, I shouldn't have gotten you sent to jail" She said. "I don't deserve you being nice to me" She pulled her face away from my hand.

"Kennedy it's fine. We both hurt each other but it's over" I said forcing her to look at me.

"But I put you in jail Mike" She said her time more serious.

"And I slept with your worst enemy" I defended.

"Jail is a little worse then sleeping with someone I don't like" She shouted.

Not wanting to really start fighting I grabbed her face and kissed her. Feeling her start to soften and kiss me back.

"Then we're even" I said as I pulled away from her.

My hand rested against the side of her face looking at her gorgeous face.

Feeling her place her small hand on mine and pulling it away from her face, she brought it to her lips and kissed my knuckles.

I leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently.

"I missed you" She mumbled as she buried her face in my chest.

"And I missed you" I kissed her head again.

"I told my parents" She said looking up at me.

I could feel my eyes go wide at her words, she had told her parents about us. Wow she must have felt an insane amount of guilt in order to tell her parents.

"They didn't take it well" I asked tracing small circles on her leg.

"Won't even talk to me" She said shrugging it off.

"I'm sorry baby" I said giving her a small frown.

"I'm not upset, if they can't see that I am happier with you and you are a better person with me then I don't know what will make them see. " She shrugged it off again.

It was so shocking that it was almost as if a completely different girl was sitting in front of me then the one from three weeks ago.

"Come on" She said taking my hand and heading up the stairs.

Leading me into her room which remained unchanged since I had last been in there. Laying down on the bed before looking at me.

"Are you going to join me" She asked with sad eyes.

"Of course baby" I said before crawling in bed next to her after discarding my shoes.

Feeling her instantly curl in against my chest brought a smile to my face. My arms wrapping my around her pulling her closer.

And for the first time in weeks I fell asleep within seconds.

Feeling myself being gently shaken was enough to wake me up. Because if there had been one thing I learned while in that hellhole for three week it was to sleep light.

Opening my eyes I was greeted by the beautiful smile that belonged to Kennedy.

"Wake up sleepy head" She spoke cutely resting her chin on my chest.

"Is it morning? Did we sleep through the whole night" I asked a bit shocked as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"No we only slept for a good while though. It's 5:30" She said glancing at the clock.

"Oh" I mumbled before sitting up a bit watching as she got out of the bed.

Walking to her window she glanced out of it and then back in.

"My parents are gone yet again what a surprise" She rolled her eyes.

I wasn't quite sure how to react so I just kind of nodded and stretched a little bit. Getting the strange feeling she was looking at me.

"What" I asked her raising an eyebrow in her direction.

"You look skinner baby" She said sitting cross legged across from me.

"Because I refused to eat that disgusting food they served" I shrugged looking down.

I had dropped a good amount of weight but nothing to worry about. Listening as a giggle had escaped her lips.

"You are so spoiled" She giggled looking at me.

"I am spoiled, I mean I have you how much more spoiled can I be" I smiled leaning forward and kissing her.

Just as I pulled away I felt her grab my shirt and pull me forward. As she laid on her back I hovered over her.

"Jesus darlin' what's gotten into you" I asked pulling away again.

"I told you I missed you" She said trailing one of her dainty fingers down my chest.

"But you're being awful, I don't know how to describe it" I said.

Feeling as she pulled me down again to kiss her by the collar of my shirt. I mean I wasn't going to protest about anything.

The extremely beautiful girl in front of me wanted to make out so who was I to complain.

Feeling her hands slip underneath my shirt sliding it up a bit. Further and further by the second until I caved in and pulled it off.

Seeing her smirk on her face as I flipped us over so I was on top and looking at her.

"What has gotten into you today" I asked her with a chuckle.

"I missed you is all" She mumbled tracing down my stomach.

"Ken stop" I groaned as she played with my belt.

"Why" She asked as a sexy smile spread across her face.

"Because we shouldn't be doing this" I said.

"Why not" She whined softly.

"Because Kennedy the last time we saw each other was three weeks ago and we broke up" I explained rolling off her.

"But I want to. Please baby, I want you" She rested her chin on my chest.

"Ken stop teasing me" I groaned as I found her hand getting closer and closer to my crotch.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" She said straddling my waist again.

"Ken" I mumbled as she kissed my neck making her way down to my chest.

"Yes baby" She spoke in what was the sexiest voice I had ever heard.

And I felt all my self control wither away at that very moment, and also felt as my dick became extremely hard.

I was gonna cave and I knew that I was as her hand slipped down to my belt buckle.

Grabbing her waist and flipping us over yet again all sense of good judgement faded away.

"Just remember you asked for this little darlin"

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