Chapter 23

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His P.O.V

Well that did not go as planned, I only realize I care about the girl not even a week earlier and this.

Kissing her as she screamed at me for not caring about anyone wasn't how I wanted to tell her. Hell I didn't even know that I was going to tell her at all.

See I wasn't good at this whole caring about people thing since my emotions had been inactive for well over four years.

But damn was she a good kisser and surprisingly she didn't fight me at all. I had kissed a lot of girls but none had compared to her.

I felt her pull away from me, my eyes opened just in time to see her eyes flutter open.

"Cole what was that" She asked we voice shakey.

"It was a kiss" I answered as if it was a ridiculous question.

"No why did you kiss me" She spoke taking a step back from me.

"You said to name one person I care about, and I'm not good with verbalizing my feelings. So I kissed you" I said simply.

"Why" She ran a hand through her hair the expression on her face scared almost.

"Because Kennedy I care about you" I finally swallowed the lump in my throat that had been bothering me.

"No, no you don't you don't care about anyone especially not me" She shook her head furiously.

"Yes Kennedy I do" I said gripping her shoulders.

"Kennedy I care about you" I repeated looking her in the eye.

"No, you can't. You don't, You wouldn't choose me of all people to care about" She shook her head again moving away from me.

"Kennedy yes I do why can't you see that!" I almost shouted at her.

"Because Michole you don't care about people. You use them, you are reckless and you are carefree. You don't care about anyone especially not me. This is some summer fling that's it. I'm just disposable to you" She turned away almost ready eyed.

"KENNEDY!" I called after her following behind slightly.

"Save it Cole" she whipped around once before going on her way.

I growled in frustration, the one person I open up to and this is what I get. My fist balled and I threw my fist into the wood of the barn.

Some people looked at me but quickly turned when I sent them a glare.

"Awe get rejected" a familiar annoying nasal toned voice spoke from behind me.

"Oh fuck off Olivia, why are you here anyway. No one likes you" I spit, I barely knew her but I despised her.

"Everyone loves me unlike you, the one person you care about doesn't seem to care about you" She smirked at me her tongue rested against the top of her teeth in satisfaction with herself.

"Everyone one loves you because they know that a simple few words gets you naked" I chuckled before pushing past.

"Watch it, I will ruin everything that matters to you" She threatened.

Since the only thing I cared about was Kennedy I turned on me heel. Sending a glare in her direction.

"You go near her and I will tear you apart limb from limb. I don't care if you are a girl or not" I spit at her.

"You can't hurt me hun" She smirked in a sickening way at me.

"Fuck off" I called flashing my middle finger while walking off.

Luckily the walk to the MCulley residence wasn't that far. Seeing as I expected my hours to keep me preoccupied.

Not to mention the burn I felt in my hand every time I felt it tighten into a ball. Finally looking at it, it was cut up and small drops of blood had dried around it.

I guess that's what happens when after pushing away your feelings for years,then finally admitting that you have some for someone other then yourself and getting rejected does.

How could she think this was just an act, why would I of all people lie about something like that.

The walk almost seemed instantaneous as I found myself trudging up the gravel driveway.

Finding the front door unlocked I left myself in. Kicking me off my shoes and heading down the steps.

The sound of music filling my ears confirmed my suspicion on where she would be.

However I did not expect to see the door open with Kennedy in the center of the floor. Her knees up to her chest with her chin rested on top. Arms tightly wrapped around her legs.

"Kennedy" I stated knocking on the door as the music wasn't very loud.

"What do you want Cole" She turned her head greeting me with puffy red eyes as if she had been crying.

I walked in and took a knee placing my hand on her shoulder as she turned her head back to look in the mirror.

"Kennedy what's wrong" I asked concerned as to why she had been crying.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Really Cole, you don't think it could be the fact that you suddenly have this change after a little under a week. A dramatic change were not only had your attitude has changed but suddenly you care about someone other then yourself. Only to have that someone be me. Cut the shit Cole, I'm not stupid. I know you are doing this too keep your pretty little self out of jail." She spit at me shrugging off my hand.

"No Kennedy it's because I actually changed. And it just so happens the one person that I start to care about tells me I'm a liar and fake when I admit that I care" I growled out walking out of the room.

I slammed the door shut and stomped up the stairs. How could anyone be this stupid, I knew caring about people only got you hurt. But I let myself do it, I let myself start to care again.

I pulled at my hair tightly looking around the room. Before spotting a small gold and white object on the counter.

Something inside me possessed my hand to grab it and head up the steps. Shutting the door to my room sitting on the bed.

The anger, frustration and hurt started to build up this pressure inside my head. My eyes stinging, threatening to allow water to spill out.

I pressed the small cold metal up to my ear and listened to it ring.

"Cole" her soft southern voice spoke confused.

However her tone was laced with sincerity and concern. Something that had long been replaced with anger and disappointment. It was almost like sweet music, sweet music that had forced tears out and slipping down my face.

"Baby what's wrong, it's nearly 3am" She cooed as a sniffle escaped me.

Finally I said three words I had never expected to say every again.

"Momma I'm sorry"

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