Chapter 8

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Her P.O.V

I woke up disoriented at first on to why I was on the couch. Then the events from earlier tonight flashed in my head. Looking around I couldn't find Cole.

Now I wasn't falling for him and a certainly didn't want to be involved with him but a summer fling wouldn't be bad. I sat up and walked over to the kitchen to grab some water.

Opening it up I retrieved a water from the top self. Closing it I saw a note on the fridge that I'm positive wasn't there earlier. I snatched it from the hold the magnet had on it.

Reading over it a ran over to the key hooks and found mine missing. That bastard got close to me just so he could screw me over. Oh he was dead now absolutely fucking dead.

Seething with insurmountable rage I called my father and informed him of what had happened and how he was planning on heading down to Georgia.

My father as equally mad as I put out a warrant for his arrest informing every county from here to Georgia. Trying to settle myself I went up stairs and crawled into bed. My anger soon fading away as I faded into my state of unconscious ignorance.

Being disturbed from my blissful sleep by the annoying song that rang throughout the house. Begrudgingly pulling myself from the sheets I got up.

Sliding down the banister since I was too lazy to walk and sliding off I headed to the door. Unlocking it I opened it up and woke up quickly at who it was. The early morning sun starting to rise just behind them.

There in the literally morning glory was my father tightly gripping Coles hair as Cole was handcuffed.

"Here he is. Don't let him out of the house, don't let him out of his room at that" my father spit shoving him inside.

"I have to go back to work" he nodded at me kissing my head before shutting the door tossing me the keys to the cuffs.

"Kennedy I'm sor-" he tried but was cut off mid sentence by me shoving him

"Do not say sorry! Because you aren't sorry! You don't care! I tried to be your friend!" I scream at him.

Watching him flinch brought me some satisfaction.

"Look I'm sorry why do you have to be such a bitch!" He shouted at me which was his worst decision.

I shoved him against the door with my forearm against his throat.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that. Or ever again while your here" I seethed letting go to give him air.

The coughing noises he made as oxygen entered his lungs again. I was surprisingly strong if I was angered to a certain point and at the moment I was boiling.

I walked up the stairs leaving him coughing and cuffed in the downstairs living area.

"Uncuff me!" He shouted up the stairs

"Fuck off!" I called back as I walked into his room.

Luckily it was just above the deck and pool, so I grabbed his things and poured them out. Straight out the window into the pool water a smirk stuck on my face.

Once I had finished I felt better I trot into my room and hoped back into bed. The sound of him stumbling up the stares emitting a giggle from me.

Finally hearing him stumble into the room across the hall and his voice boomed throughout the house.

"WHAT IN THE SAM HELL DID YOU DO!" He screamed as he ran into my room

"Oh stop yelling. You can get them in the morning" I scuffed as I turned to my other side.

"Un Cuff me now you bitch and get my things!" He shouted waving his hands that were trapped behind him.

"I don't think so" I said getting up and walking over.

"As a matter of fact" I said tapping my pointer finger on my lip.

I grabbed his arms and moved him while un cuffing one while tightening the other. I placed the loose cuff and placed it around the door.

"Sleep well" I smiled a bit overly sweet listening to him shout at me across the hallway.

So to avoid it I went downstairs to the couch and sighed. Slipping back into my safe place inside my mind.

No one would ever use me, and I would never allow him to be my "friend" again

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