Chapter 22

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Her P.O.V

I had given up hope on trying to find Cole as it had been two hours and four shots later. I wasn't buzzed because I knew I had to drive home and I also knew I had to watch Cole.

But since part B of that plan failed I was focusing more on part A. I sat on a bail of hay and watched Brooklyn dance with Luke some guy she had been off and on with for a year. I looked around at everyone having fun and smiled.

God how I had listened to her complain about him a hundred times over but it was clear she still cared. Not to mention it was her eighteenth birthday so why not dance with the guy you care about.

I myself had never really been involved with anyone. Sure I had kissed and flirted and even talked to guys but it never led to anything.

Dating wasn't my style, I had always been focused on school and dance. But more importantly I was more concerned about my father scaring them off.

Shrugging off the thoughts of my uneventful love life I sat happily next to the speaker.The music was blaring at a deafening level but it was okay because I was used to this. I contemplated going in the pool but everyone said it was like ice.

Suddenly everyone heard a cracking noise but assumed that it was some idiots down the road.

Everyone continued to party dancing and having a good time until the noise came again but louder.

Brook stood straight up her jaw locked and fists clenched. Strutting over to the doors and prancing outside.

Everyone followed as she walked to where the sound had emerged as it shot through the air again.

"If one of you corn fed Romeos brought a gun so help me god!" She screamed over the obnoxious music by the pool.

"I can call the cops if you need" Luke offered holding up his phone.

"Maybe if we need it but not now" She flashed a sincere smile in his direction.

Suddenly I saw a small spark land by Luke's foot. When I realized it was creating a sizzling sound I realized what it was. I stepped and pushed him out of the way as it went off. Causing a squeak to leave my lips as it exploded.

The back lash grazing my ankle slightly and I felt a small cut. Blood trickling out just a bit when I looked down.

A group of boys was laughing hysterically at the sight of it all. Holding their stomach and hunching over clapping their hands in satisfaction.

"FIRECRACKERS!" Brooklyn screamed at them causing them to stand up right.

The group has spread apart and a boy I recognized from honors English looked at her. The other boys looked to be from the football team and then straight in the middle was darling little Michole Hawthore.

"It was Coles idea" he was quick to accuse and set the blame on someone else.

"Bro what the fuck! I said I found firecrackers. Y'all suggested attaching them to golf balls and blowing them up." Cole responded.

"I do not care! All of you except Cole leave!" Brook screeched in their direction.

"How come he doesn't have to leave?!" The boy from my class argued like a child might I add.

"Because I like him more then you now go!" She sassed in his direction pointing in the direction for him to leave.

"Goodbye!" She called loudly and emphasizing her words.

The boys walked like dogs who had just been yelled at with their heads down and tail between their legs. It was kind of funny how a groups of football jocks could be so easily humiliated.

The glare I was sending Cole would have him six feet under if looks could kill. He refused to look up at me clearly knowing what I was doing.

Everyone had started to head back inside after Brooklyn had calmed down and put on her best hosting skills. Forcing a smile she pushed everyone to continue to party blasting the music once again.

It didn't take long before everything was back to what it had been minutes before the chaos.

I had looked down at my leg to see the scratch had stopped bleeding but had dripped down my ankle a bit as it was higher then I thought.

Looking up I was face to face with Cole who has an apologetic smile on.

"I'm sorry I got lost and they were the only people that talked to me" He mumbled off in the end of his sentence.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I spoke slash yelled at him my arms flailing upwards.

"Kennedy I just told you! They were the only kids that talked to me. I didn't know they would try to blow people up" He defended.

"Oh so blowing up fucking golf balls is better?!" I shouted in a rhetorical tone.

"I never said that! Jesus why are you being such a bitch Kennedy!" He spit back his jaw tensing and his fists balling up tight.

"Because you should have guessed those dumb asses were trouble" I spoke luckily the music kept our fight strictly between us.

"No I guessed they were drunk I can't guess when someone is trouble!" He shouted glancing down trying to compose himself.

He diverted his attention from the grass to my leg and then up to my face.

"Did we do that?" He asked sincerity in his expression.

"Yeah it happened when I kept Luke from losing a toe. Why do you care" I spit not able to contain my frustration with this kid.

"Why do you always assume that I don't care!" He shouted his angry returning after its short absence.

"You said it yourself!" I shouted my hands moving with the words that came from my mouth.

"You care about only yourself and no one else!" I screamed the cold air piercing my lungs.

"That's a lie" he mumbled his body tensing.

"Name one person you care for other then yourself" I challenged.

My question was answered by the crash of his lips against mine. The worst part was something inside told me it was genuine.

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