Chapter 2

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Her P.O.V

That doorbell would be the death of me. It's annoying chime every time it was pressed and whoever was at the door was busting at the seems to get in.

I pulled myself off of my back deck away from the beloved sun and padded my way through the inside of the house. Unlocking and opening the front door.

And low and behold was a fine piece of southern heaven. His eyes scanned me up and down quickly. In all fairness I was in a black bikini that kept me covered but it was still a bikini.

"You much be the this summers project" I greeted with a turn of the heel motioning with my fingers for him to follow. Having not heard the door shut I stopped.

"Close the door this isn't a barn" I said a small smirk on my face at the slight country joke.

"stupid Yankee" he growled at me once the door slammed and he stomped to where I was. I looked back at him before trotting up the two flights of stairs to the second level.

I walked through the hall teasingly swaying my hips as I did knowing where his sight was directed. I knew about him, he was a pothead, boozy, rough and tumble teen from the south that loved trouble.

About ten other cases like this had come to my house since I was seven and this program had been started by my father and Mayor Lennox. Since Weeds Port was a small town in west no where and strictly farm land it was a good place.

Troubled teens trapped in no where land. Hmm that sounds almost like a bad headline in the local paper. I stopped at the spare room door and opened, it was horribly plain.White walls, white bedding, a single bedside table and a closet with a few hangers.

"You have to be kidding" he scuffed.

Dropping his things on the floor, throwing himself down on the bed. I leaned against the door looking at him. Damn was he attractive but he wasn't anything that I hadn't seen before.

"Sorry to break your heart darlin' but you put yourself here" I said in my best imitation of his voice.

He made a scrunched up face and fake laughed at me. Before his face turned into a smirk as he eyed me again.

"So what's your name anyway" he questioned standing up and sauntering over.

"Don't worry because you won't be calling for me" I sasses standing up straight and watching as he towered over me.

"Oh come on. We are going to be spending the next lovely three months together. Give me just a name" he pleaded making his best attempt at a pout.

"Kennedy" I rolled my eyes at his attempt at manipulation.

"Cole" he grinned exposing surprisingly white teeth.

"Well Cole" I spoke up after a small silence pushing against his chest.

"Flirting isn't part of the attitude adjustment agreement. So why don't you settle in then bring your troubled self outside to the deck in five minutes" I added patting his hard chest.

Before another word I headed down the stairs and walked back outside. Grabbing my book and sunglasses sitting in my sun chair. The rays hitting my tanned skin warming me back up from being a bit chilly due to the air conditioning.

Not even five minutes later I heard his loud feet come down the stairs. This time in swim trunks and no shirt.

"So babe we gonna swim or what" he presented as more of a statement then question

I let out a laugh as I set aside my reading and stood up looking at him. Placing my hands against my hips I jut my left leg out a bit my weight being placed on my right.

"Well babe" I smiled emphasizing the word babe lacing it with sarcasm

"I'm gonna sit here and tan while you go out to the barn and move the hay. Clean up all the muck and clean the horses" I smiled

My smile only increased when his jaw dropped open just a tad and his eyes widened.

"You must be joking!" He shouted his arms flailing up

"First off you can't boss me around! Second I haven't been here five minutes and I'm getting work! You are fucking nuts!" He screamed at me the muscles in his neck popping out

"Well sugar. My father left me in charge so I can boss you around. He actually put me in charge of you because I'm your age. He just supervises" I corrected him with a smirk

"If you think I'm listening to you all summer your nuts sweetheart" he growled at me his fist balling.

"If you think you some boozy, druggie, hell raising redneck is going to yell at me when I'm just doing as I'm told you are sadly mistaken" I spit back in his direction

"You landed yourself here darling so don't get mad at those of us who have to suffer and tolerate you because you did this" I added straightening up and calming myself.

"God you are such a bitch" he called turning and heading off to the barn.

"Oh my goodness bye! So nice talking to you again! Come back soon" I called in a fake overly sweet and happy tone as I waved leaning against the siding of the deck.

His middle finger that was tossing in my direction only made my smile bigger knowing I had gotten to him yet again.

Maybe this summer wouldn't so bad after all.

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