Chapter 41

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His P.O.V

Fuck me.

If there was one thing I hadn't missed about partying it would be the feeling you got the morning after.

I had completely blacked out last night. With no recollection of anything I had done.

So I groaned rolled over and let myself wallow in my hangover. My arm slung around something that felt like skin.

Bare skin to be exact.

I immediately jolted up and looked down my eyes bulging at the utter destruction I had caused.

Lying there next to me was a girl that certainly wasn't Kennedy.

With her bottle bleach blonde hair and orange tanned skin. However something about her was so familiar. Which happened to have been the trampy infinity sign tattoo at the nape of her neck.

I couldn't believe myself, I had done something completely unmentionable.

I quickly got up and looked down seeing I was completely naked. Wow I had totally fucked not only her but myself last night.

I tossed on my clothing and made sure I had everything. Hearing a completely unattractive groan as she turned over.

I had reached the door by the time the creature in bed had decided to sit up. Her face smeared with black under her eyes and red around her mouth. God was she ugly after you removed all the makeup.

"Baby come back" She said giving a sleep filled smile making her looking only more fucked up.

"Uhm I'm gonna go get the clown makeup off my dick and go check for Chlamydia, thanks though" I flashed a sarcastic smile before bolting out the door.

I heard her high pitched screech of anger after having been rejected as I stepped over the people completely passed out on the floor.

Clutching my throbbing head I went outside only to be blinded with sunlight causing a groan to fall from my lips.

I had absolutely no idea where I was so I guess I would walk until I came across someone to help or died of how awful I felt.

The walk seemed long before finally a car pulled over stopping in front of me.

"Cole, good to see you man" A voice spoke rolling down the window.

Squinting until my eyes adjusted I noticed a familiar face. He was one of the guys at had met at Brooklyn's party.

Liam I think his name was, there had been so many I wasn't sure.

"Hey man" I have a wave then shielded my eyes from the sunlight.

"Hop in I'll give you a ride, you look like you need it" He chuckled as he reached over and popped open the door.

Nodding I hopped in and buckled myself in before slouching in the seat.

"Bro you look brutal, what happened to you" He asked glancing over his shoulder as he sped up.

"I wish I could tell you, except I don't even remember" I laughed instantly regretting it as I gripped my forehead.

"You go to that big party" He asked as he sped up even more making my stomach lurch forward.

"Yeah I guess, I mean I really don't remember much. Except the fact I woke up next to some chick" I mumbled disgusted with myself.

"You got it in last night, nice. Did you know who she was?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Some Olivia chick, bleach blonde, bad spray tan, trashy infinity tattoo at the back of her neck" I described cringing at the thought of her.

"Olivia Pipe, damn she's a how do you say it loose" He chuckled. "I thought you had something going with that chick from Brooks party" He said in a questioning voice.

"Yeah, but you know thugs don't work out. We got into a fight and things ended" I shrugged.

I didn't want to show what I was feeling on the inside which had been that I had fucked up beyond belief.

"So anyway which way am I headed" He asked as he had made it into the central part of town.

"1016 Clarkson Manor Drive" I said closing my eyes and leaning my head against the glass.

"So the middle of nowhere" He chuckled and I nodded.

The rest of the drive had been relatively silent with a few exchanges here and there. But for the most part it was quiet which helped my hangover ease up a bit.

So much so that I had somewhat drifted to sleep. Until the car jerked to a stop waking me up.

"We're here dude" He said and I nodded waiting for him to unlock the door.

"Thanks a lot man" I said reaching my hand out.

He gripped it and shook it before letting go as I shut the door. Walking up the sidewalk to the front door was absolutely dreadful.

As I knew as soon as I opened the door Kennedy would be screaming and yelling about where I had been as Rocko and Leta weren't home like usual.

I walked inside and everything was empty and freakishly quiet. No sight of Kennedy anywhere.

Closing the door I slipped off my shoes before heading up the steps to check were she might be. Peeking into her room to see it was empty as well.

"Where the hell" I mumbled under my breathe as I trotted back down the steps out onto the deck to see yet again how Kennedy was no where to be found.

Finally in my still half incoherent state I moved down to the basement and was greeted with silence yet again.

However I opened the door and there she was spinning around only to loose her balance and stumble a little on her bad leg.

"Careful" I called leaning against the doorway.

"Why should you care" She grunted regaining her balance and attempting it again.

"Kennedy you are going to hurt yourself stop" I said walking over and catching her just as she lost her balance again.

Spinning around she was shooting daggers at me as she pushed me away from her.

"No you stop! How's that" She shouted clenching her jaw as she raised an eyebrow.

"Kennedy will you let me explain, and stop yelling for five seconds" I said clutching my head.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart are you hungover? Because it wasn't obvious by the stench of Booz and weed on you" She spit walking away from me.

"Kennedy I'm sorry I overreacted. I want to fix things, please hear me out" I pleaded stepping forward again.

"Tell me what you did last night and I'll hear you out" She said looking at me through the mirror.

"I don't remember anything. I completely black out and I, Uh I " I stumbled over my own words.

"You did what, speak Cole. I damn no well when you got something to say you don't hold back" She spit.

"Kennedy I slept with Olivia"

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