Chapter 20

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Her P.O.V

After the night in the dance room Cole and I had really gotten closer and become good friends.

We spent practically every minute together, he even met Brooklyn and boy are they trouble together. I swear those two were like twins the same evil little person just in separate bodies.

Currently him and I were getting ready to go out Brooklyns eighteenth birthday blowout.

Brooklyn was a religious party girl, every weekend she was going out. That wasn't my style, I was the once in a great while party chick.

And since Cole had been here for around a month and almost two weeks he had gained some privileges. Being able to go out with me at night was one of them. So sadly tonight I couldn't have too much fun with Brook. Seeing as how I needed to keep an eye on Cole.

As if he had heard me thinking about him he walked into my room. Shirtless showing off his amazing torso that could have me from completely focused to dazed in a second.

"Grey or Navy blue? I know how Brook yells that I never wear anything but white" He chuckled.

It's true all Brook would do every time she saw him was yell about his love affair with white tee shirts. It was honestly funny to watch them argue over it for hours on end.

"I think Navy because it matches your shorts better" I answered looking at him in the mirror as I winged out my eyeliner.

"Why do you poke yourself in the eye with small objects" He fake cringed watching me.

"Because I want to look cute for tonight" I finished up capping the eyeliner.

"You look fine without makeup, naturally beautiful" He smiled, goodness was he sweet for no reason.

No Kennedy you can't do it, remember what your father told you. Do not fall for their tricks Kennedy, but he was really changing it was clear.

"Thanks Hun" I smiled before pushing him out of the doorway.

"Now go I have to get changed" I fake rolled my eyes at him pressing against his hard chest.

"So I don't see why I have to leave" He smirked and winked at me.

"Go!" I laughed while pushing him but not really as he moved and headed to his room.

It was Brooklyns eighteenth birthday and she had told me before the party was even official to dress hot. Which was difficult as most of my closet was tee shirts, sports bras and spandex.

After standing for twenty minutes flipping through my closet I let out a frustrated sigh.

Grabbing my black tight dress that looked like a long tank top. Grabbing my heeled boots I slipped them on and added my favorite flannel and slipped on a bunch of rings for my own personal touch.

I grabbed my phone and my keys before walking into the hallway. Knocking on the door to the spare bedroom.

"Hurry up we leave in five" I called through the door.

Just then the door flung open to reveal Cole looking attractive as ever. Even in heels I was a munchkin compared to him.

"I don't need five" He smiled looking me over once before tossing his arm in the direction of the steps.

"After you" He smirked mischief in his eye

"I don't think so slick you go" I laughed pushing him down the steps.

We hoped down the stairs and into the car blasting some EDM to get pumped for the party.

Taking the short drive to the barn that belonged to Brooklyns father about five miles away from their house.

We made it in record time just as the party was in full swing. People were everywhere on that plot of land.

Since her family owned that land and spent a great deal of time on it they had a pool as well as a fire pit and then another smaller barn that was more unused then the big one.

Cole and I walked inside to be greeted with the lovely stench of Booz and skunk which meant someone or multiple people brought weed.

Brooklyn immediately jumped on me wrapping her legs around me.

"You came!" She shrieked clearly already having a slight buzz.

"Happy birthday bitch" I smiled hugging her as she untangled herself from me.

"Woah! Wait! Cole is wearing a color other then white. It is my birthday!" She said over frantically

Cole chuckled and wished her a happy birthday. Just after their small exchange Brook grabbed my hand and pulled me forward to the alcohol.

"Lynnie I can't, I have to keep and eye on Cole" I called over my shoulder to see he had disappeared.

"Just one shot!" She whined pulling at my sleeve.

"Come on Ken it's my birthday just one then done" She pleaded giving me puppy dog eyes and a matching pout.

"Fine just one" I sighed as she clapped and poured one.

Boy was this night going to hell quickly.

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