Chapter 25

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His P.O.V

Kennedy's words hit me like a ton of bricks but in the best way possible.

"So this means..." I dragged out unsure of what it had actually meant.

"Michole I care about you, you care about me. That's what this means" She smiled at me her small fingers lacing themselves between mine.

Overwhelmingly happy I smiled and lifted her up. Spinning her around, I swear I was like a giddy school girl. The sound of her giggle was sweet noise to me.

"Put me down" she laughed kicking her feet a bit.

So I laid her down on the bed, hovering over her with a devious smirk. I had changed but I would never loose my cocky side.

" I didn't mean like this under you" She laughed fake glaring up at me.

"Why not I think it's an appealing sight" I smirked at her.

"Remind me why I just said what I did" She joked.

"Because you care about me" I smiled kissing her.

This girl had caused me to go through multiple emotions in only a few hours. And I was not an emotional person at all, however I was somewhat greatful.

As my life was changing around starting to have a relationship with my mother made the hole my father had left feel smaller. Kennedy also helped to fill that as well which I was even happier about.

Her lips had a stronger influence on me then any other substance I had ever tried.

One of us had deepened the kiss at some point as it had become less of a kiss and more of a make out. Hell I wasn't complaining what so ever.

Completely caught off guard when suddenly she flipped up and sat on my waist. My hands grabbed at her hips and moved around to the back, slipping down and squeezing her butt.

A smile spread across both of our faces for a brief moment before we had returned to what we were doing.

Her dainty fingers slid teasingly up and down my abdomen. As mine slid up her shirt my hands resting against her cool tan skin.

The feeling of her cold fingertips slipping across my bare skin sent goosebumps along my skin as she slid my shirt up.

"If you want it off you can just ask" I mumbled against her lips with a chuckle.

"Why would I ask when I can do it myself" She whispered in my ear placing a kiss on my cheek.

God this girl had so many sides to her and this one frankly turned me on so much it hurt. Like physically hurt as my pants had just become more and more restricting.

"And I will take that as my que to go" She giggled.

Watching as she stood up and fixed her dress as it had slid up her thighs making my sexual frustration grow more.

"You are such a tease" I fake growled at her.

A small giggled emitted from her lips as she walked out of the room.

"Calm yourself then come see me" She spoke closing her bedroom door.

"Calm myself you caused this" I groaned shouting in her direction.

"You kissed me" She fought back poking her head out of a crack in the door sticking her tongue out before closing no it again.

Calming myself would be easier said then done if I didn't want to drop everything and tumble right there.

But I did so I had screwed myself in this situation. I understood though because I genuinely cared about Kennedy. I didn't want to just have sex now. Well I mean I did, I had wanted to since I first saw her.

Hell any guy who could say they didn't want to screw Kennedy would be considered insane to me.

Kennedy was everything that I found attractive in a girl. Soft honey toned skin that was contrasted with her chocolate doe like eyes. Her wavy dark hair that cascaded down her chest just above her chest as she always wore it in front. Her figure that started with her chest and ended with her mile long legs.

I cringed as I had begun to inflict pain on myself as my shorts tightened again. Okay I needed to calm down and think of other things.

After several attempts to not think about Kennedy naked or the multiple things I wanted to do to her, I gave up.

Only to be greeted by the lovely sight of a large black blob with eight legs on the wall. And let me tell you I had never gone from so worked up to so not that quickly.

Watching as it sprung itself from its spot on the wall to the floor near the bed. Hell no, holy hell no. My one phobia had always, always been spiders. Creepy little eight legged bastards.

As it landed only inches from my foot I jumped up shouting loudly.

"No! No! Get the fuck back" I called before retreating out of the room bursting into Kennedy's room.

Slamming the door shut I was faced with Kennedy looking at me like a I had gone insane all of a sudden.

"Care to explain, I leave you not even five minutes ago and you come in terrified" She questioned.

"There is a spider in that room, I am not going back in there" I huffed out sitting on the bed.

"Poor baby" She fake cooed running a hand through my hair as she stood between my legs.

It almost scared me how natural it was for us to act like a couple. And as much as I hated to admit it I liked it.

Then again we had flirted and acted as if there was something between us since that day she beat up Olivia.

"Kill it" I stated as I grabbed her waist and gave her a pout.

"Hell no I passed out last time I saw a spider" She laughed moving from her position and sitting in her bed laying down.

"Come on, I will rub your back until you feel better" She offered.

One day I was complaining about my back hurting so she gave me a back rub. And sweet Jesus were her hands magic.

"Oh great" I smiled pulling off my shirt and laid down on my stomach.

The feeling her sitting with her legs on either side as she started to work at my muscles.

A soft moan escaped my lips as it felt like heaven. Making her giggle and only go deeper causing more to escape me.

The tension I had no idea that was there was being worked away within minutes as was my ability to stay awake.

And before I knew it I was fast asleep after a very eventful night.

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