‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ fifty nine ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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Jaehyun and Yuta had practically slept all the way through the previous day, waking up every few hours to go and eat, but went straight back to bed afterwards, claiming Yuta needed to catch up on sleep.

The following day, the submissive had woken up in the others arms, he enjoyed the feeling a lot, but he knew he needed to get out of bed, he had to do something otherwise it'd drive him insane.

"Jae, we need to get up." Yuta whispered, shaking the dominant next to him, the elder slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with the most beautiful sight.

He smiled and sat up, going to kiss Yuta before the younger put his hand over his mouth, "Go brush your teeth first!" He said, causing the elder to huff and roll out of bed, making Yuta laugh.

He, himself, also got out of bed, he needed to get ready and speak to Johnny, he needed to be convincing though, otherwise he'll spend the rest of the day persuading the elder.

Jaehyun came out of the bathroom after a few minutes and asked "Can I kiss you now?" The question made Yuta laugh again and he shook his head, "Why not?" The elder whined, Yuta thought he looked quite cute.

"I haven't brushed mine yet! Go downstairs, I'lI be there in a bit." He spoke with a large smile on his face. Jaehyun playfully rolled his eyes, but listening to the younger.
Yuta left the dominant's room, heading to his own, brushing his own teeth. He repeated the question he had for Johnny in his head over an over again. He really needed the elder to say yes.

These sort of things, submissive's needed their dominant's permission for, despite them not legally being his dom's, they were still his 'guardian'. It made him sound like a child, not an adult, but still, he needed their permission.

Yuta then went downstairs, joining everyone, almost everyone, in the kitchen. Taeyong was often not home, meeting up with many people to get Yuta to be their submissive.

"Good morning, baby." Haechan greeted, being the first to notice him. Yuta smiled and waved at him, then skipping over to Jaehyun and pressing a kiss on his lips, "Happy now?" He asked and the elder smiled, his dimples on display, "Very." He responded, pressing one more small kiss on Yuta's forehead.

The submissive then looked around the room and noticed Johnny leaning against the kitchen counter on his phone. The Japanese didn't hesitate to skip over to him. "Morning, hyung." He greeted, standing next to him, resting his body against the dominant's side.

Johnny's attention turned to Yuta, "Morning, my love, did you and Jae sleep well?" He asked and the submissive nodded with a smile.

Everyone seemed busy in their own little world so he thought this was the perfect time to ask. "Actually, I have a question." The submissive spoke up and Johnny put his phone down, putting his full attention on the submissive next to him.

"Ask away." Johnny replied and Yuta took a deep breathing, hoping the elder will say yes, "I was wondering if you would take me to get a tattoo?" He asked and Johnny remained silent.

This worried the younger, but before he could say anything else the dominant responded, "I don't see why not." He shrugged and Yuta's eyes lit up. "Really? You'll let me have one?" He had a huge smile on his face.

Johnny just laughed, "It's your body, my love, you can do what you want with it." He replied and the submissive couldn't be more happy.

"I'll book you an appointment, I'll see if I can get you one today with the one I usually go to?" He said, Johnny had a few tattoos himself, hence why Yuta had asked him, it would be a little hypocritical for the dominant to say no. Yuta nodded and then skipped over to Haechan's side, wrapping his arms around the other, looking for some affection.

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