Hiding in plain sight

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"Where is mom?" Eren asked, fearing what his dad might say.
"Seriously Eren, don't be so scared. I just gave her a free spa day. She is hanging out with her friends Dina and Karina. "
Eren let go of the breath he was holding, feeling a bit of comfort in knowing that his mother was safe and possibly enjoying a foot massage somewhere in good company.
"You can't blame me,"
"No, I guess not" Grisha pulled out a book from his bookshelf. Him doing so caused a secret passage to unfold itself on the floor with stairs leading down to a high-tech laboratory.

Armin and Eren were speechless.
"I can't even be bothered anymore," Eren commented as he and Armin followed Grishas's lead down the stairs.

Grisha's lab was about the size of an average living room. It wasn't the size of the lab that Armin and Eren gawked at but the equipment. Every space was utilized for Grisha's tools such as microscopes, the chemical testing area, computer monitors, and what looked like body parts in blue or green liquid.
Two middle-aged scientists were busy looking at graphs when they arrived. But they soon turned their heads towards them.

"You actually brought them here!? Are you mad?" One scientist wearing blue glasses asked.
"My body still hurts from chasing those damn kids! You don't even know what I had to witness that day!" The other scientist with a mustache said.

"Eren, Armin. The angrier one is Rob and the guy with a mustache is Kim" Grisha introduced his colleagues.

"Wait... you guys were the stormtroopers?!" Armin asked and pointed at the scientists.

Eren hit his leg while laughing "Hah! No wonder you guys were so clumsy" he blurted.
"Eren!" Grisha yelled.
"Sorry," Eren composed himself.

"I've been meaning to tell you about the reality fluid. I want you to understand what we are doing and why we cannot have your new friends in our current reality."

"Finally!" Armin said. He took a seat and found a pen and a block of paper for taking notes.
Eren sat next to Armin and waited for his dad to proceed.

Grisha waved at the two scientists. They prepared a slideshow on the big screen.
"Reality fluid as we call it was discovered by small robots in space that were placed on the moon and on Mars to help us find any indication of life. Some cultivated these mysterious drops of liquid that would float randomly in space. It was a lucky discovery really. Super rare. Our unit got permission to experiment with it as long as the secret never got out and as long as our experiments would benefit humanity."

"They would just float in space?!" Armin furiously wrote his notes down containing Grisha's words and keywords from the slideshow.
"They are difficult to find. Maybe once every few years. They come floating from different galaxies. Scientists believe they came from a white hole."
"Uh huh uh huh"

"So what are you doing down here with it?" Eren asked.

"I'll show you" Grisha walked to a large cooler containing different parts of organs. Another cooler contained packets of blood for donation.
"Because of the reality fluid, we have been able to clone organs and donate them to surgery. We have been able to duplicate rare blood types for donation. It is a medical breakthrough!" Grisha said, proud of what he and his team could do with their resources.

"That is amazing!" Armin smiled wide.

"Yes, but it cannot get into the wrong hands. "
"I think I heard that before in a superhero movie" Eren commented.
"This is not the time to joke around son! Imagine someone duplicating nuclear weapons! We would be doomed. Also if our big boss finds out that there are attack on titan doppelgangers running around because someone mindlessly placed the reality fluid somewhere accessible, we are done for. We will be fired, our memory of working as secret scientists will be removed and it's game over."

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