Seeking refuge

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Mikasa drove right until she could see Eric, the guard of Historia's castle. She waved at him "Hi Eric! This is an emergency, can you please let us in?"

Eric was an older man. He enjoyed his work as a guard, but he didn't seem very intimidating. He could retire at any time but still, he chose to guard the gate. "Hello Mikasa, you sure have a lot of people in that car of yours," he said.

"Yes, we just need a safe place to relax," Mikasa forced a friendly smile.
"Yeah, we just need to hang out with Historia" Annie added.

Eric walked around the car and saw Armin A and Eren, still in their French maid attire.
"Eren? I thought you were a lawyer, what are you wearing son?"
"Please, it's just for a stupid bet." Eren lied.
"Hahaha," Eric put his hands on his stomach as he laughed "You young people are so funny and full of life. Of course, I'll always let you guys in" He said, pressed a button, and opened the gate.

"Thank you so much, Eric!" Mikasa said.
"I'll buy you some cookies next time" Annie smiled and waved.

Eric waved back. He saw Mikasa's red car drive through the gate. "Hmm... maybe I should retire soon. I could have sworn I saw more of the same people in that car," He shrugged "Oh well."

"How do we even do this?" Armin asked, not daring to take the first step and knock on the door.
"We will just have to tell her how it is, she will understand eventually. Right?" Annie said.
Levi A shook his head. He pushed himself in front of everyone and knocked loudly. "Oi!! Historia!"

"Jesus Christ Levi!" Armin A panicked.

Soon footsteps were heard and the crew held their breaths.

Slowly the front door opened and they were greeted by a smiling Historia.
"Hi, friends! Didn't expect you guys but please come in!" She gestured with her hand for everyone to get inside.

"Hey Historia, you might want to sit down for what we are about to tell you." Eren began.
"Sounds serious" She gestured for the maids to find refreshments for her guests.
"Well.." He looked at the double gangers.
Historia's eyes followed Eren's eyes. She didn't realize it immediately but something didn't seem right at all.

"What?!" when she realized, she took a step back, her eyes wavered between Armin A and Armin. One wearing a maid costume and the other one didn't. They looked exactly like each other... or did they? The same nose, the same eyes, the same facial bone structures. Then the two Hanges caught her attention. Both of them awkwardly waved at her. She just kept staring, not uttering a single word until Levi A faked a cough to snap her out of her trance.
She looked back at Eren, or the Eren she assumed would be the real Eren. "But h-how..."

"Please let us tell you everything. We just need a safe place," Annie pleaded.
Historia took a deep breath and nodded "Yes, let's talk over some tea."

Armin A and Eren finally got time to dress back into their normal clothes.
Meanwhile, Historia tried to digest the information about the reality fluid, the doublegangers, and the bad guys in stormtrooper cosplay. She sat on her soft sofa, not moving her eyes away from Levi A, Mikasa A, Armin A, and Hange Z.
"Are you queen in this universe too?!" Hange Z asked.
"Quiet!" Levi A said.

Historia laughed "You guys even sound like them," She put down her cup of tea and sighed.
She closed her eyes and said "I must be dreaming but I just burnt my tongue drinking tea,"

"Does that mean you believe us?! So do you want to help us?" Armin put his hands together into a prayer.
"Yeah, I want to help! Why have a castle with no guests? I just need to hire more security" She shook her head when she thought about how her friends and their double gangers managed to access her castle.

"Thank you so so much Historia. We just need to hide them while we figure out how my dad is connected to this," Eren explained.

"Your dad is involved? Jeez guys"

"Long story" Eren shrugged.

"I have a question!" Hange Z raised their hand to ask a question.
Levi A sighed.

Historia raised her eyebrows "Yes?"

Hange Z cleared their throat "Soooo are you with a significant other? And is that significant other a farmer boy or an angry brunette?"
Historia laughed "Oh you mean Ymir? Ymir and I live here" Then she turned back to face Eren "By the way, I thought you were hanging out with Ymir today."
"Eren..." Mikasa A said quietly to herself.

The two Hanges stopped raising their hands for silly questions.

Quick glances were exchanged in the room. Historia noticed and her confusion grew.

"That's not Eren," Annie said.

** Earlier on the same day **

"Yess! A new record!" Ymir checked her watch, satisfied with how fast she ran those five kilometers (3.1 miles). She wiped away the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand and downed half a bottle of energy drink. She liked running near the beach. The ocean was pretty, she would get this nice tan and there would be outdoor training equipment nearby.

"Nice running!"

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Ymir turned her head and was startled by the sight before her.

"Eren?! Yooo I like that new hairstyle on you. What's up with that?"
"I was tired of cutting it, so I just tied it up. It's somehow more... freeing"

"Btw did you watch the rest of that stupid show?" Ymir asked.
"You mean that titan show?"
"Yeah attack on Titan"
"I'm not really a fan of it, so I stopped watching." Eren Y replied.

Ymir high-fived Eren Y "Right?! Everyone is sooo hooked on it but I'm so mad that Ymir didn't get to marry Historia, I just don't want to watch more of it"

Eren Y laughed.
Ymir smiled and said "I could use a workout buddy right now, I just need to work on my arms and then I'm good"
"Sure. Hey Uhm, can I can stay over at your place"
"Uhh sure, I don't think Historia minds. But why exactly?"

Eren Y looked at the beach and the people hanging out in the sun, enjoying ice cream and playing in the water "I just came here to be free. I need a break from my place."

Ymir couldn't figure out what his intention was but thought something serious must have happened for him to reach out like this.

"Okay, that show really gave you something to think about huh? But sure, you can crash. I'll let Historia know."

"Thank you, Ymir."

"Don't sweat it" Ymir answered. Then something struck Ymir "You know what, I swear you had short hair not long ago. If your hair really grows that fast, I wouldn't bother to cut it either," she said.

"Right," Eren Y answered.

The crew finds Historia, explains their situation and asks for a place to hide the double gangers. Meanwhile, Eren Y and Ymir are hanging out.

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