Your Father was thinking deeply, and your sadness was replaced by anger. "How could I have married a woman who is so selfish at heart?" he murmured.

"I am only wanting what is best for us!" Mother protested.

There was another long silence, until Father murmured, "I must think this over. Goodnight, Ruth."

Mother sighed. "Goodnight, Valandir."

You slipped to your feet silently and bolted to your room and Mother and Father made their way up the stairs. You quickly slipped into your room, closing the door quietly behind you. You bolted to your bed, climbing in and trying to look as if you were asleep. You heard your door slowly creak open, and you trembled ever slightly. But then the door closed again, and you were left alone. You wept, long and hard. How could they do this to you? How could they? They were the only things in your life that held you together ever since Craig died. And now they wanted to get rid of you. But why so suddenly? Surely no one would just so quickly hand off their own daughter to total strangers like the government. Questions bounced around in your head and you sobbed harder, but one question rang through your mind the clearest, loud and clear.

Who am I?

You woke up to someone shaking your shoulder. "Mhm..." you mumbled, turning over. They shook your shoulder again, and you sighed and opened your eyes reluctantly. "Ok, ok, I'mma awake..." You looked up into the piercing blue eyes of Legolas'. Surprised, you froze.

"Time to move on," Legolas told me.

Oh, yeah. That's right. Big ominous cave adventure time. Woohoo. You sat up, stretching and yawning. Everyone else was already up, packing everything away. You quickly rolled up the blanket Legolas had lent you and returned it to him. "Thank you for letting me use it," you said, genuinely thankful.

He nodded, and he passed me back a dark blue, neatly folded hoodie. Your hoodie. "No, I thank you," you said with a twinkle in his eye.

You accepted your hoodie back gratefully, putting it back on as well with all your other supplies, such as weapons. By the time you slung your quiver over your shoulder, everyone was ready to leave.

Gimli looked around, disappointed. "No breakfast?" he complained.

Legolas looked at him with amusement. "Are you not filled, Gimli?" he asked teasingly.

"I am not as bone-skinny as the rest of you," Gimli snapped back. "We dwarves eat more than others; it makes us stronger." As he spoke, you realised you were still not hungry from the lembas bread last night. Wow, that's some special bread.

The four of you continued your trek to the abyss, Legolas leading the way with Aragorn behind him, then you behind Aragorn, and Gimli trailing behind the group. As you jogged through the forest, you pondered about the forest. Would it always be this sick? Maybe one day it would be beautiful and healed like the rest of it. Maybe one day. You had enjoyed going to sleep beneath those trees, you'd protected. If not a little unnerved by the dark presence which was undoubtedly out there. But you had still gotten a good night's sleep. Your mind flickered back to the dream you'd had last night, the one with your parents fighting. They'd wanted to get rid of you. But why? They'd said something about being 'dangerous' and a threat to them. They had planned to hand you over the government. But why? Everybody knew that those guys were hopeless and cruel. Even at the age of sixteen back then, you'd known. Wait a minute, how old were you? You couldn't recall when the event had happened, so you could not figure your age. Well that's annoying. Anyway, they'd also mentioned that Mother didn't want to tell you what you really are, which was annoying. Why would she withhold such information from her own daughter? And Father, he had been willing to tell me. Until Mother had convinced him otherwise, and he started to rethink everything. He started to think about letting you go. How could he? Your thoughts were interrupted by a call from Legolas up ahead, and the three of you rushed up to stand beside him.

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