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09 | look at me like that

"There's nothing here, buddy. Our girl was having a nightmare."

Shiver gives me an illegible stare at my impromptu declaration. I switch the lights back off in Tatia's suite after having inspected every nook and corner. The only thing out of place was her duvet which was on the floor from what I assume due to her struggles of getting out of whatever perturbed her sleep.

"Come, let's go back," I continue, talking to my puppy as if he were capable of understanding my language. "We can't sleep here. She might get scared again."

I shut the door of the suite behind me, whistling to myself as Shiver tags along, both of us returning to my room. As we step inside, my whistling stops abruptly at the sight of the bed.

Tatia has glided right into the middle of the bed from where I had put her on one side previously. Her body, covered in a flimsy top that women like to call a nightgown and a pair of tiny sleep shorts, is twisted around the duvet. The position displays all that smooth skin toned to perfection with the rise and fall of her chest doing delightful things to her impressive tits that strain against the top. No woman has ever been in this bed before.

I don't realize how long I have been staring until Shiver's bark jerks me back to myself.

I look down at him, his blank expression reading like a frown to me. His tail stops wagging.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm still a man." I shrug, making an effort to keep my eyes away from Tatia's glorious body on my bed as I walk toward the recliner couch at the other end of the room. "We will take the recliner."

I plop down on the recliner, moving my arms to the back of my head. Almost immediately, my gaze falls back to Tatia who is still sleeping peacefully as if nothing happened. I had gotten scared when she fainted in my arms. She gave me quite a fright.

Although, the very thought of something disturbing her while she is supposed to be safe in my home irks me. Her nightmares are defying my vow to her. If I can, I will do my best to protect her from those too. Even if it means I have to sleep on this recliner for the rest of my life.

A little sound that Shiver makes has me glancing at him. He is sitting next to me on the floor, his tail lying flat signaling how not so welcoming he finds her presence.

Shiver and Tatia have a strange relationship. The girl tries her best to not be scared of him, even going to the extent of feeding him timely on hours I am at work, which aren't many as most of my work is at home. I only have to attend a few meetings and listen to my twin being revered by his employees as he speaks of all the new growth we are making.

Still, even Shiver can sense that she hasn't welcomed him completely and it sort of feels like a battle between them at times as to who gets more rights to my living space.

It gets cute sometimes when Tatia and him are locked in a staring contest when we are having dinner together.

I lower a hand and the little pup climbs on it. I lift him over my chest and settle him there on top of me. He takes a few rounding strolls before curling himself to a ball and closing his eyes. I caress his body gently, knowing he would soon be asleep just like the woman in my bed.

"Yeah, I know you don't like sleeping alone either," I murmur to Shiver. "You can sleep here too. Goodnight, Shiver."

I take the remote from the table near me and shut the lights off, leaving only the bedside lamp on in case Tatia wakes up from a nightmare again.

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