19. Powerless

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''Don't worry Eve, we'll be waiting here for you until you get back.'' Roy said, while he and Nali hugged me in The Summoning room. ''I love you guys.'' I whispered. ''Don't act like you're going to die! Because I know you aren't. You will come back with the other ghouls, understood?'' Nali's brown eyes were staring into mine, I nodded.

I let go of Roy and Nali so Papa could perform the hell-resistance spell on me once again. Then, I closed my eyes and held onto Aether as Papa let us travel back to hell. I really hoped that I never had to be in hell again after this was all over. Or maybe it will all be over soon, once Cobra finds us.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar chamber again, but this time the flames were back. ''Come on guys, I think I know where Cobra is hiding the other ghouls.'' ''You do?'' Sunshine asked. ''When Cobra was attacking Rain he told me that he knew that Rain is afraid of heights, and that he'll make him suffer. This can only mean 1 thing: he locked them up inside the highest tower of the church. That is, if it exists in hell.'' We quickly walked out of the basement. ''Yes, it also exists in hell's version of the church. Good thinkwork, Eve!'' Aether said.

As we rushed to the gigantic staircase, I could feel the eyes of all the ghouls in hell staring at me. I didn't care about them. I came here to save my boyfriend and my friends. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest from running when we arrived at the staircase. But I kept running, anything for my friends. We were halfway up the staircase when I almost tripped on a step. ''Guys...'' I panted. Aether saw how much I was struggling, and easily picked me up by my waist and put me on his shoulder to continue running. He and Sunshine didn't seem to have any trouble with the running at all, of course, they were ghouls. ''There's no time to lose.'' Aether said, his grip not loosening as he began to run even faster up the stairs.

Aether put me down, there they were. In the highest room of the entire church, were 8 ghouls chained to the wall by their ankles. Their hands were blocked off by some sort of closed ball-shaped handcuffs, to block their elemental powers probably. They seemed to be doing better, now that they weren't touching salt anymore. The main source of light for this room on earth was natural lighting, because there were windows everywhere. But the sky in hell wasn't as bright as the sky on earth, so it was kind of dark in the room. Another thing that was different here than in this room on earth, was that it looked like someone studied here. There was a desk with some paperwork laying on it, and there were even some photographs. When I gave the photographs a closer look, I could see that they were all of Cobra with his friends. Cobra must hang out in this room a lot.

Dewdrop was the first ghoul to see us. ''Guys! Eve, Aether, and Sunshine are here!'' He yelled. Rain's eyes turned big once he saw me. ''Eve! What are you doing here? I told you to run!'' I shrugged my shoulders. ''I'm a stubborn little bitch, remember? You can't tell me what to do. Now, tell me, where are the keys?''

''Here they are.'' A menacing voice from behind us said. I turned around to see Cobra standing there, with the keys in his hand. He had an evil smirk on his face, like always. ''Well, well, well, looks like Eve took a bite from the forbidden fruit. Rain wisely advised you to run, but yet you refused to listen to him and came back. I didn't think that you'd be that stupid.'' ''Listen Cobra,'' I said. ''This might not be the smartest thing I've ever done, but I'm stupidly in love with Rain so I'm doing it anyway. And I'm very sorry about your grandma. But what would she think if she saw that you were hurting others?'' The ghoul furrowed his eyebrows. ''You didn't learn from last time, did you? Don't talk about my grandmother.'' He hissed, before grabbing my throat and pushing me into the glass, which bursted once my head hit it. My head felt like it was going to explode from the pain, but it didn't make me regret my decision.

Rain tried to attack Cobra, but his chain didn't go far enough. ''Hey loser!'' Aether yelled at Cobra. But Cobra didn't react to him, he threw me on the floor. Before he could harm me any further, Aether reached into his pocket, and grabbed a banana out of it. ''Hey fuck-face, fight someone your own size! I always have a spare banana in my pocket and I'm not afraid to use it!'' He threw the banana with full force against Cobra's head, who turned around to look at Aether for 1 second. I saw my chance to snatch the keys out of Cobra's hands and took it. Cobra turned back at me, but I already stood up.

Sunshine used her air powers to let the wind blow Cobra to the side. Aether was one of the most gentle ghouls I've ever met, but now he was screaming his lungs out as he was punching and kicking Cobra. ''Who do you think you are that you think you can hurt my friends like that?'' I quickly ran over to Rain, using the keys to free him. ''Eve, you never listen to me. But that why I love you.'' ''I know you do. Save the sweet stuff for when the fight is over. I'm a bit busy right now.'' I made my way over to Swiss as fast as possible. Rain joined Aether and Sunshine with fighting Cobra, and so did Swiss once I had freed him as well. The next ghoul I set free was Cumulus, who didn't hesitate to join the fight either. When I freed Dewdrop, I noticed that he quietly said: ''thank you'', before running to Cobra as well.

Once I had freed all of the ghouls, I had no choice but to run because I knew that I did not stand a chance in this fight. My head was still hurting a lot, and I'd probably be in the way for my friends. I ran back to the staircase, but Cobra was quicker than I was. ''Oh, you want to go downstairs? I can help you with that.'' He grabbed my wrist, and kicked the glass of one of the windows so hard that pieces of glass shattered down, causing a big hole in the window. Before I knew it, he put me through the window, my legs were dangling as I looked down at the ground that was hundreds of meters below me. My sweaty hands were holding onto Cobra's arm, who was steadily standing there with that stupid grin on his face. If he'd let me fall, this would be the end. ''Cobra, please!'' I cried, even though I knew that Cobra only liked it when he heard his victims cry. ''Bring her back!'' Rain screamed, his voice was shaky, he was scared. No, he was terrified. My hands were slowly slipping away from Cobra's arm. The sweaty palms of my hands were fighting for my life, my fingers felt weak. I was seconds away from falling to my doom. ''If anyone says another word I will let her fall. And I won't hesitate. Understood?''


I knew that he was going to let me fall anyway. Everyone knew. But nobody could do anything about it. I felt myself slipping further down so that I was only holding Cobra's hand. The ghouls were completely powerless. Cobra had won.

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