16. Fire and Salt

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My skin felt like it was burning to ashes. But at the same time, it didn't even hurt. The smell of fire surrounded me, but I felt like I could just walk right through it and not be hurt. I opened up my eyes to see the dimension the ghouls came from: hell. Little sparks jumped off from the flames that surrounded us. On earth, fire needs fuel to keep burning, but to my surprise, the flames kept going in the totally empty Summoning Room. The fire around Dewdrop seemed to make him feel more stronger and confident. ''Let's go kill this fucker.'' He said, determined to get out of the basement as fast as possible. And he was right, we didn't have much time. I didn't have much time. ''We're not going to kill him, Dew! We're just going to catch him!'' Cirrus yelled, as we walked through the basement.

Rain and I walked behind the rest of the ghouls, he was holding onto my hand tightly. ''Please remind me why you thought that this was a good idea. I don't want to lose you.'' His voice was shaky, but sincere. ''You're not going to lose me, so don't you worry.'' I reassured him, not knowing that Phantom was listening to what we were saying. ''Yes, don't you worry Rain, no one will hurt Eve as long as I'm near her. I know that you, as a water-ghoul, are not the strongest of ghouls. But luckily for you, I'm a quintessence-ghoul!'' This really seemed to piss Rain off. ''Phantom, I swear. If you don't shut the fuck up about my girlfriend right now I will throw the salt into your face. We all know how bad you want to fuck her, but it's not going to happen buddy. She's mine. You hear me? She loves me for who I am, a water-ghoul.'' Rain's outburst seemed to work, even though he didn't sound very threatening. He was calm, because he was confident in our relationship. He knew that I'd never cheat on him.

We walked up the stairs, and that was when I realized that everything anyone had ever told me about the church in hell was true. It was almost exactly the same church as the church that was my home. Except it wasn't. The cold, stone walls weren't cold anymore because of the fire that seemed to burn here endlessly. The paintings and statues in the halls were different, they were more aggressive, like the artist wanted the viewer to be scared when they looked at their art. I completely understood why Aether didn't want to come back to hell. When I looked out of the windows from the church, I could see that the sky was painted a beautiful dark red. The church already kind of looked creepy on earth, but the sunlight going through the windows also made it beautiful. That beauty was nowhere to be found in hell. The darkness only made the church even creepier.

We ran all the way to the first place where we wanted to look for Cobra: The Great Hall. We would have just gone to his room, but none of us knew where Cobra's room in the church in hell was. There were always ghouls in The Great Hall, so even if we didn't find him there, there'd probably be a ghoul there who knew where he was.

Rain kept me close to him as we walked into The Great Hall, and for good reason. The room was filled with unmasked ghouls. But my eyes immediately locked with the eyes of no other than Cobra himself. Even though I had never seen his face before in my life, I knew for sure from the way he looked at me that it was him. ''Maybe we can try to convince him that what he did was wrong.'' Rain whispered. But I knew that he was wrong. We all knew that Cobra was a psychopath. I could feel the stares of the ghouls in my back as we walked by. Most of them had probably never seen a human in their life other than Papa. I could even hear some of them whispering something about Papa, although I couldn't quite make out what they were saying about him. All eyes were on me, Rain's looked worried, the ghouls from hell looked confused, and Cobra's? Cobra's eyes looked at me with an intense anger burning inside of them.

''Cobra, Papa wants you to come back to earth with us. Is that alright?'' I did my best to convince him. But Cobra wasn't buying it. ''Eve, it was a big mistake to come to me.'' He grinned at me. ''Didn't you pay attention in your old church? Don't you remember what happened when Eve talked to the serpent?'' And before I, Rain, or anyone else could do anything, Cobra had grabbed me by my throat with supernatural speed and had pinned me to the ground. ''Uh, they realized that they were naked and so they made clothes?'' I said, with the air that was still left in my lungs. The weird thing was that somehow, my lungs seemed to fill themselves with air again. I looked over to see Cirrus controlling the air. ''Everything went wrong after Eve talked to the serpent.'' Cobra hissed at me.

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