13. Eve and The Serpent

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My hands were wrinkly after a long day of cleaning once again. I sighed as I pushed the cleaning cart back into the supply closet. The closet was very big for a supply closet, because all of the cleaning supplies were stored here. And that meant that there was a lot, because of the size of the church.

I should really ask Papa for a new job here. The days were too long, the skin of my hands was always dry, and the toilets were disgusting. The only light in the cleaning supplies closet was coming from the hallway, because the light was broken. It wasn't much light, but enough for me to see the shelf on which I placed the bleach.

I was just about to put the broom back when I heard the door shut behind me.The wind did this quite often, leaving me alone in the dark closet, not being able to see anything. Just when I turned around to close the annoying door, I thought I heard someone breathe.

''Hello? Who's in here? The supply closet is for cleaners only.''

No response. Maybe then it was just the wind. Or maybe it was Dewdrop, trying to pull a prank on me. When I walked further into the direction of the door, I noticed that there was indeed someone here with me. I could feel their presence amongst me. They couldn't hide in the darkness.

It was a ghoul. I couldn't see who it was. The only thing that was visible were their sharp, white, teeth. They were smiling, but this wasn't Swiss' smile. This smile was more... Menacing. They were too tall to be Dewdrop, and too short to be Mountain. Rain wouldn't try to scare me like this.

''Look, I don't know who you are, but can you please open the door?'' I asked, somewhat annoyed with my mysterious guest.

The ghoul's smile only got broader. ''So sorry to bother you, Eve.'' A deep male voice said, it sounded like he was up to no good. ''But I'm afraid that you won't see the light of day ever again.''

I froze. This wasn't Rain. This wasn't Dewdrop, Swiss, or any other friendly ghoul I knew. This was Cobra.

I listened to my reflexes and grabbed the broom as fast as I could. ''Don't you dare try to hurt me.'' Cobra laughed. ''Or what? What are you going to do? Hit me with your broom? You probably can't see anything in here. Unlike me.''

He was right. Ghouls could see in the dark, humans couldn't. There was no way for me to win this fight. Cobra was strong, I on the other hand, was just a weak human. Words were the only defense I had.

''Rain will kill you if you kill me. He'd fucking kill you! He- He'd peel the skin from your face. He'd tear you open and rip your heart out. I know he has it in him, he almost killed someone!'' My attempt to make Cobra feel threatened only made him laugh even more. ''Satan, you're fucking pathetic. You're human, weak, and defenseless. The thought of Rain finding the body of his precious girlfriend in pieces is hilarious to me.'' He chuckled softly. ''Maybe I'll hide your body parts throughout the church, so that he has to look for them.''

I could hear his footsteps coming towards me until I could feel his breath on my skin. The hair on my arms raised in fear. Cold sweat ran over my body as I could hear Cobra laughing hysterically.

''You can't see it, but I'm holding a knife right now. A really big one. I told Mountain and Nali, who were working in the kitchen, that I needed it to baton some wood because my machete broke and I wanted to make a campfire. So they let me borrow it. Imagine the look on their faces once they find out that I used it to slowly rip your organs out of your poor body.''

He was clearly enjoying my fear. I thought of my options. Fleeing wasn't possible, he was blocking the door with his body. If I attacked him with my broom, he'd probably break it in half. Just like he'd do with my body afterwards.

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