14. Light in the Dark

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I couldn't tell if my vision got more blurry because of the dark. I tried to reach for my phone in my pocket so that I could shine with my flashlight. But my arms were weak. My entire body was weak and in pain. Rain could see what I was trying to do, and grabbed my phone out of my pocket for me. ''Thank you.'' I said, as he turned on the light for me and handed it to me.

The first thing I wanted to check was if Rain was truly alright, like he said he was. His mask was lying on the floor beside him. I looked at his exposed face. He was covered in sweat, and he had a tiny scratch underneath his eye. Then, I looked down at his bare chest, it was totally covered in black and blue marks from the fight. Just like he told me. He got hurt, but there were no severe damages done.

After that, I looked at my own leg, the bleeding was worse than I thought it was. Maybe that was because my body had started to get used to the excruciating pain. My arm was almost just as bad.The blood was all over the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling.

''We should probably call someone.'' I said, as I started to call Papa's number.

"Peep, peep, peep..."

Papa didn't pick up his phone immediately.

"Peep, peep, peep..."

Papa didn't pick up his phone at all.

''Shit, maybe Papa is busy with un-summoning Cobra back to hell already.'' Rain said, with a slight panic in his voice. ''Do you think that he'd be this quickly?'' I asked. ''I know that that's what I would do if I were Cobra. Let me try calling Sister Imperator.''

Rain called Sister Imperator, her voice spoke through the speaker after the phone had dialed a few times. ''This is Sister Imperator. At the moment I am busy, but you can say something after the peep... How do I turn this this off?''

Rain started to get frustrated after the second person we knew who had the key to the closet didn't pick up their phone. ''Can you call another cleaner?'' He asked me. I shook my head. ''I'm sorry... I don't know them that well, so I don't have any of their numbers. So I guess that we have no other option than to call Swiss? He always picks his phone up pretty fast.'' I suggested. Rain nodded in agreement, so I called Swiss' number. It got picked up within a second.

''Hellooo?'' The voice on the other side of the line said. ''This is Dewdrop! Swiss said that he had games on his phone. So I borrowed it without his permission!''

Dewdrop sounded happy, like he had no care in the world. I'd give anything to be in his shoes right now.

''Dew, listen. This is an emergency, I am bleeding to death. Rain and I are locked up in the cleaning supplies closet near the kitchens. Please send someone to help!'' I said, with all the power I had still left in me. ''Help is on the way.'' Dewdrop went from sounding happy and careless to extremely worried. He hung up the phone.

I rested my head on Rain's shoulder, my body had never felt this weak before. Rain's breathing was slow, but calm. He too felt the relief of knowing that someone was on their way to help us. To help me from bleeding. ''Rain...'' I whispered. ''If I die today...'' Rain pulled me closer to him. ''You aren't going to die today.'' ''But if I did... I just wanted you to know that... Getting to know you has been the best decision I've ever made in my life.'' I closed my eyes as I lost control over my body. I could still feel Rain holding onto me tightly as his voice slowly faded. ''Eve! Eve stay here with me!''

The next few moments were all just a blur to me. I had no idea if minutes, hours, or days had passed when I heard voices vaguely in the distance. ''Are you sure that Kärnan did this?'' One of them said. I was pretty sure that that was Papa, because he was one of the few people who actually called Cobra by his real name. ''Yes, I saw it happening with my own eyes. Why would I lie to you, Papa?'' I heard Rain say. The next few minutes I could only hear snippets of their conversation. ''It was him!'' ''The money.'' ''In hell!''

I slowly opened my eyes. The voices that I heard were not that far away as I thought they were. They were right next to me. The room we were in looked white. There was only one place in the church that was this white, The Hospital Wing. Rain was sitting right next to my bed, holding my hand in his. He was wearing his mask and a shirt now. Papa was sitting on the other side of my bed, his white eye staring intensely at me.

''Rain, look! She's waking up!'' All 4 eyes immediately turned to me. ''Eve! Thank Satan you woke up!'' I smiled, my pain was finally gone. They must have given me painkillers of some sort. ''Rain... How long have I been unconscious?'' I whispered. ''About 2 hours.'' Cobra could have easily gone back to hell in those 2 hours. I turned to Papa. ''Have you un-summoned Cobra back to hell?'' He looked a bit uncomfortable after I asked him that question. ''Unfortunately, yes. I'm sorry, I had no idea that all of this happened. But are you sure that it was Kärnan?''

Rain snapped. ''What the fuck do you mean? Then what is that?'' He pointed at all of my wounds. ''Look at her! Just look! Isn't this enough proof that he is violent? Why else would he attack her?'' Rain angrily shouted at Papa, looking him straight in his eyes. Out of all of the ghouls, Rain respected Papa the most. Whenever Papa would ask something of him, he usually responded with "yes, Papa." I thought that he would never in a million years scream and swear at Papa, but yet he did it. He did it because he didn't want Papa to summon Cobra back to earth. He did it to protect me.

Papa looked just as confused as I was. ''Rain, like I said, we didn't find the money in his room.'' Rain let go of my hand and balled his fists. ''That's because he probably brought the money to hell with him! He needed it for his grandma! If The Clergy aren't going to do shit about this, then I will go back to hell by myself to fix it!'' Papa furrowed his eyebrows. ''You're a water-ghoul, Rain. He is a quintessence-ghoul. You know you won't win that fight in hell because they can use every element, some even more than that! Especially not because he is driven by very strong emotions.''

It was at that moment when another ghoul came into the room. ''You need more quintessence-ghouls to help?'' Swiss asked, he was with Phantom, who reached for my hand. ''I will do anything for you, Eve!'' Rain rolled his eyes at him. ''Too bad you weren't there for her to protect her.'' He mumbled underneath his breath. Rain grabbed my hand before Phantom could even touch it.

They were followed by Dewdrop. ''There's already a lot of fire in hell, but I will burn that motherfucker's entire house down if that is what it takes!'' ''Don't forget that you need oxygen to make a fire big!'' Cirrus said, the rest of the air-ghoulettes were by her side. ''Or we could just bury him alive in the earth.'' Mountain said.

Every one of my ghoul friends wanted to help me with taking Cobra down. They didn't care about how strong his powers in hell were because he was driven by an overwhelming amount of emotions. And they were right, Cobra needed to learn his lesson.

''I will go to hell with them.'' I said. Papa shook his head. ''No, you're human!'' ''I don't care.'' I stubbornly said. ''Cobra hurt my boyfriend. He is going to have to pay for that. Mountain, is there enough salt in the kitchen?''

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