12. Makeup and Make Out

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Rain and I listened to some more songs before I grabbed his phone and put the playlist on pause. ''Why'd you do that? Don't you like the playlist?'' Rain asked. ''No, it's not that. The playlist is adorable! It's just that we can't keep pretending like nothing is happening. We can't let Cobra get away with sending death threats.''

Rain bit his cheek. ''Right. We have to tell Papa.''

Not much later, we were sitting in Papa's office once again. I hated being here, because there was always something wrong whenever we had to be here. The uncomfortable atmosphere wasn't only in Papa's office because of the problem, but also because I was still kind of mad at Rain.

''Eve, Rain, what can I help you with?'' Papa asked. His face paint was almost dripping off in the summer heat. ''We know that it's Cobra who stole your money!'' I bursted out. ''Kärnan? That nice ghoul?'' Papa asked, somewhat confused. Rain took a deep sigh. ''I must confess that he asked me to steal Eve's key. He needed to pay for his grandma's medical bills, and I thought that I would be saving a life if I did it. Turned out that she can't be saved. I realized that I shouldn't have helped Cobra with stealing your money, and I told him that. But he said that he... He'd kill Eve if I told anyone.''

Papa remained silent for a moment. He was probably realizing that he summoned a wrong ghoul onto earth.

''That is a very serious accusation, and I promise you that I will take it seriously. I shall let The Clergy look for proof.''

And that was all we could do against it. I would have preferred to solve this problem myself, but I couldn't un-summon a ghoul. Rain and I had talked a bit after we came back from Papa's office.

''Are you scared of him?'' He asked, while we walked through the halls of the church, on our way back to my room. ''No.'' I said, even though I wasn't sure what Cobra was capable of. ''I'm not scared of him, as long as you're by my side. I'm still kind of mad at you, but I need you. I hate to admit it, but I need you for more than just protection.'' Rain hugged me in the middle of the hallway. ''I will protect you, always.''

The sun lit up the walls of the medieval looking church the next morning. It was a beautiful day. The weather wasn't the only thing that was clear. Now that it was clear why Rain lied to me and I had calmed down a bit, I wasn't that angry at him anymore. He should have just told me in the first place, but I understood that he was scared.

When I was just done cleaning the bathrooms, which I hate, Phantom walked up to me. ''Hey Eve!'' ''Oh, hey Phantom! I was hoping that I'd run into you today!'' Phantom watched me put the bleach back onto my cleaning cart. ''Really? Why?'' ''Because my grandma recently gifted me some of her old CD's. I don't even have a CD player, and I know that you love physical copies of music. I uh, found that out when I was looking for the money in your room. So maybe there's something that you'd like?'' Phantom's face lit up when I mentioned the CD's. ''Sure! When are you available?'' ''How about right now?''

After I had put my cleaning supplies into the closet, Phantom and I went straight into my room. ''There they are!'' I said, while I pointed at the CD's on my desk. Phantom eagerly walked over to my desk. ''Wow! You have Linkin Park's Meteora? Oh, and that's Nightwish's Once!'' There was a spark in his eyes while he looked at all of the CD's. ''Can I have those 2?'' He asked. I laughed. ''You can have all of them, see it as a present because I shouldn't have gone through your room like that. I still feel guilty for falsely accusing you. '' There was a broad smile on Phantom's face. ''Thank you so much! What's that?'' He pointed at my makeup that was also on my desk. ''Oh, that's my makeup. It's just one of my hobbies.'' ''Can I do your makeup?'' Phantom asked. ''Sure, why not?'' A sadistic grin appeared on the part of Phantom's face that was visible to me. ''Because this is going to be a disaster. There's only 1 rule, you can't tell me anything about the makeup and how it's used.'' Phantom said, while I turned the chair behind my desk around and sat in it, so that he could do my makeup. ''Deal!''

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