10. Fuck You

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I felt sick in my stomach after I found out that Rain was the one who stole Papa's money all along. Not only did he steal from both Papa and me, he also was a liar. And I hated him for it. In fact, I hated him so much that I had left his room with my key. I didn't bother to wait for him to come back after Roy had taken his measurements. I hated him so much, that I couldn't sleep at night because of the anger. I hated him so much, that I had breakfast early the next morning just so I could avoid him. I hated him. But I didn't want a man to ruin my day off.

''Hey Eve!'' I heard someone yell from behind me. When I turned around I saw that it was Dewdrop, he was standing next to the karaoke set the ghouls loved so much. ''It is your day off, right? Would you want to sing with me? None of the other ghouls have time for me right now.'' He sounded a bit sad. I definitely wasn't in the mood to sing right now. But Dewdrop was one of my best friends, and I didn't want to disappoint him. Besides that, it might be a good distraction from Rain. ''I'd love to!'' I said, as I made my way over to him. ''But only if I get to pick the song.'' ''Sure!'' Dewdrop said, and he stepped aside for me so that I could make my choice.

''Oh! You could pick "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper! I know you and Rain both love that song!'' Dewdrop suggested. I shrugged my shoulders. ''No, I'm not in the mood for that one today. Let's sing this one instead.'' I choose "Fuck You" by Lily Allen because screaming the words "fuck you" was the one thing I really wanted to do right now.

''Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, now look a bit harder.''

While Dewdrop and I sang the first sentence, Swiss, Phantom and... Rain walked into the room. Dewdrop enthusiastically waved at them, while I tried my best to ignore them until the chorus of the song kicked in.

''Fuck you! Fuck you very, very much!''

I sang loudly into the microphone, staring right into Rain's eyes. He was smiling at me the rest of the song, not getting the hint quite yet.

''Fuck you! Fuck you!''

Dewdrop and I sang the last few "fuck you's" while dancing like idiots. When the song was finally over, Rain, Swiss, and Phantom all applauded while Dewdrop and I took a bow.

''Remember when we said that we didn't have time to sing some karaoke songs with you, Dew?'' Swiss said. ''Guess what, we made time for you!'' ''Thanks guys! So who wants to sing the next song with me?'' Dewdrop asked. Phantom raised his hand. ''Me!'' He yelled, in an attempt to finally get along with Dewdrop. And strangely enough, Dewdrop accepted that. They picked out a song together, and began to sing.

''Under the weight of a broken nose. It's not that simple, but he won't seem to notice. There must be more to this.''

I sat down in the middle of the couch in front of the karaoke set. Rain and Swiss sat down beside me. ''Hey Rain.'' I whispered, to get his attention. ''What is it, my love?'' He had the body, the face, the voice of the man I loved. The man who I thought I loved, but he didn't turn out to be the person who I thought he was. ''I was just wondering... Are you the one who did it?'' Rain nervously began to shake his leg. He looked me right in my eyes when he spoke up. ''No, it wasn't me. I promise.'' What a filthy liar he was.

I looked away from him to see Dewdrop and Phantom singing their song together. It was "The Fall" by Lovejoy, I knew that Aether loved this song. I wondered if Dewdrop had picked it because he missed him.

''And we're so calm but we're fucking scared, fucking scared! And we're so calm but we're fucking scared of people like you!''

That was exactly how I was feeling right now. Calm on the outside, having a karaoke party in the middle of the day with my friends. But in reality my friends were from hell, and my boyfriend who was the biggest liar I knew was too. For a second I had the thought that maybe Pastor Robertson could have been right about the ghouls. But I quickly let go of that thought, because I knew better than that. Still, I couldn't help but to feel a bit scared of the ghoul who was sitting right next to me. What would he do when I confronted him with the fact that I knew he was a liar? Would he be angry? Would he attack me? Maybe he would let me bleed to death, like he almost did to Pastor Robertson. But I couldn't care less anymore. I had to let him know.

''I look to all of you and see a different fucking species!''

Dewdrop and Phantom yelled into the microphone during the song's breakdown. We were indeed a different fucking species.

''I am doing so great!'' I said with a big smile plastered onto my face when the song was over. ''Oh yeah? Why's that?'' Rain asked. ''Because I found my key!'' Rain was silent. His mind was probably racing right now. ''That's great!'' Swiss said. ''Where did you find it? In my restaurant in the tower?'' I shook my head while I laughed hysterically. ''Nope, in Rain's bedroom! Ha! Isn't that crazy? Who would have thought that my own boyfriend was a liar?'' I stood up from the couch, looking down at the ghoul I once loved so much.

There was an awkward silence in the room. Nobody dared to say a word, not even Rain. Especially not Rain.

''How could you? How could you lie to me, right into my face like that?'' The tone in my voice shifted from joyful to angry in just a few seconds. ''So this is why you didn't want me to try to find out who did it? That about my own safety was bullshit! This is all bullshit! Our entire relationship is bullshit! How do you expect me to love you when I can't even trust you? I thought that Pastor Robertson was wrong about the ghouls, but now I can finally see his point!''

I didn't mean to scream that last sentence right into Rain's face. It just escaped from my mouth before I could think of what I was saying.

''Eve I can explain-''

''No! I'm honestly so done with you Rain!''

''You lied to me when you first got here!'' His voice cracked in the middle of that sentence. ''Not just to me, but to all of us. You literally lied to us, so that you could send us back to hell for the rest of our lives. And we forgave you for that! I only lied to you so that I could save a life. I wanted to protect you, if you just listen to my explanation it'll all make sense!'' He begged me. His eyes were filled with tears.

''No, not now. I have to calm down first. I'm glad that you didn't get angry and try to shred me to pieces. You know, as you tend to do with humans sometimes.''

I couldn't help but feel bad for saying those words out loud when I saw the hurt in Rain's eyes. Those beautiful eyes that I once loved.

''You know I would never do that to you. I- I love you.'' He stuttered.

But everything was broken now. I left the room without saying another word before I could hurt the poor ghoul even more. Poor? No, he deserved that. No, I was being too harsh on him. My thoughts were hurting my brain. All I wanted to do was to lay on my bed and cry.

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